2 zodiac signs will experience a transformative experience during the rare Super Blue Moon on August 19

The full moon on August 19, 2024 is not only a supermoon, which NASA says means it will be closer to Earth than usual, but it will also be a blue moon, the second full moon in a month. Super blue moons are a rare event, with the next one not expected until 2037. Astrologically speaking, the rare super blue full moon on August 19, 2024 will bring a time of unexpected surprises, and two zodiac signs will have a transformative experience under its powerful energy.

We are also still under the effects of Mercury retrograde and the planet of communication has once again entered the sign of Leo, adding issues of ego and confidence to the mix. Mercury will once again confront Uranus and bring unexpected news to the community, making this a time of sharing and uncovering a lot of information. This energy asks us to reflect on our relationships and goals and see how stable our foundation is as we learn to love ourselves.

The Moon may feel volatile and challenging this week, but it will also show us how we behave when under pressure. Still, we need to be more open to change and apply the lessons we’ve learned before to adapt to the changes ahead. While the beginning may seem surprising, the aftershock of this transit can help us take more pride in ourselves, and we may feel more enlightened and ready to continue on our path.

2 zodiac signs will experience a transformative experience during the rare super blue full moon on August 19

According to astrologer Carol Starr, the zodiac signs Cancer and Taurus will experience the most transformative effects of this transit.

These signs will feel the transformative energy the most, as it is most likely to change their mindset and strengthen them in the long run. Change will be easier for them now as they feel confident and prepared. The Moon will also help them discover the treasure they carry within.

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1. Cancer

Cancer Transforming Experience Super Blue Full Moon August 19th Maggieway, Art & Funny and abstractocreate / Canva

This transit can reignite a learning experience that allows you to rediscover your hopes and dreams. The Full Moon can be a gift that focuses you on your strengths and helps you build your armor. Recognizing your power can help you shed parts of your old self and embrace this new and bright side you may have been hiding.

It can also be a good time to improve the relationships around you, whether it’s a romantic relationship, a business partnership, or an old friendship. You can confidently identify the people you want to hang out with. Your independence will come through, as will your intelligence, allowing you to flourish.

In your career, the Moon sheds light on the kind of leader you are and the kind of leader you want to be. Whether you’re taking charge of a project at school or work, or helping your friends plan a party or vacation, you’ll be much more of a problem solver, which will make people gravitate toward you.

Taking on many hats and roles will boost your confidence, but it can also be exhausting. Mercury energy is pushing us to take on as much as we can. We’re all being reminded to be more practical and take time to rest when needed.

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2. Taurus

Taurus Transformative Experience Super Blue Full Moon August 19 Maggieway, Art & Funny and abstractocreate / Canva

Tapping into your creative energy now will help you unlock the growth you’ve experienced over the past few years. The transit will highlight the highest point in your chart, showing you that your hard work, dedication, time, and patience will pay off. It can be a time now when you receive recognition, which will translate into increased self-confidence.

Still, you can expect some surprises or more work. But with the stress comes relief from friends and family who show you support and encouragement. You can make progress knowing that you are cheered on, empowered and inspired by the people around you.

Another aspect of this transit will be a greater awareness of your gifts and talents. It can be a good time while Mercury is retrograde to learn things related to school or your career. Mastering a subject you are skilled in can prove fruitful during this time. It can also be a time when you can give yourself the opportunity to write, create, and work on a project from the past that will help you de-stress. Home is where you will gain these gifts, as it is where you can create structure and discipline, the tools you need to continue to be successful.

RELATED: Full Moon in Aquarius – Weekly Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign from August 19 to 25, 2024


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AT Nunez is an Afro-Latin American astrologer and philosopher living in New York. She is passionate about astrology and wants to continue writing about stargazing in the future.

By Bronte

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