Which apple color is “better” for you and why: red, green or yellow?

In just over a month it will be autumn and therefore the time for apple harvesting.

But how healthy are apples really? And is one type or color of apple more nutritious than another?

Two nutritionists have investigated these nutritional questions and also looked into the question of whether an apple a day really keeps the doctor away.

“As for the color of apples, they can range from green (like Granny Smith) to yellow (like Golden Delicious) to red (like Empire and Gala), and often a mix of colors (like Honeycrisp),” Kelley Springer of the New York Apple Association told Fox News Digital via email.

Springer is a state-certified nutritionist and certified dietitian and nutritionist.

Apples come in many varieties and colors, but “in terms of nutritional value, the differences between apple varieties are generally minimal,” she said.

Apples come in many varieties and colors, but “in terms of nutritional value, the differences between apple varieties are generally minimal,” says Kelley Springer of the New York Apple Association. besjunior –

“However, apples with a dark red or purple skin, such as the Red Delicious, often have higher antioxidant levels than apples with a lighter skin,” Springer said.

Although nutrient content may “vary slightly” depending on the apple variety and growing environment, Springer said that “overall, apples are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.”

There is actually some truth to the saying “an apple a day keeps you from the doctor,” Diane Lindsay-Adler of Boston Children’s Health Physicians told Fox News Digital via email.

“However, apples with a dark red or purple skin, such as the Red Delicious, often have higher antioxidant levels than apples with a lighter skin,” Springer said. Glamy –

“Apples may protect against serious diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and others,” says Lindsay-Adler, a registered dietitian.

Red apples, she said, are that color because they contain what are called anthocyanins, “powerful antioxidants.”

They “help reduce inflammation in the body,” she said.

Diane Lindsay-Adler of Boston Children’s Health Physicians said red apples help “reduce inflammation in the body” because of powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins. New Africa –

Green apples get their color from chlorophyll, another antioxidant, she said.

Chlorophyll “is being studied and may have a protective effect against cancer tumors.”

Finally, yellow apples contain carotenoids, Lindsay-Adler said.

The chlorophyll in green apples “is being studied and may have a protective effect against cancerous tumors,” and yellow apples contain carotenoids that “reduce the risk of certain cancers and eye diseases,” Lindsay-Adler said. robsphoto –

These “reduce the risk of certain cancers and eye diseases.”

Although there is not much variation in color among apples, different varieties of apples may meet different nutritional needs.

Green apples contain “less sugar and more fiber,” says Lindsay-Adler, making them “a good choice for anyone watching their sugar intake.”

Honeycrisp apples, on the other hand, are known “for their high water content” and their overall balanced nutrient profile, she said.

They are a “moisturizing and nourishing option,” Lindsay-Adler added.

But regardless of which type of apple you eat, there are “a wealth of specific health benefits,” Springer said.

Regardless of which type of apple you eat, there are “a wealth of specific health benefits,” such as maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, Springer said. dmitriylo –

“The flavonoids and antioxidants in apples help maintain healthy blood sugar levels,” she said.

One study found that “women who ate one or more apples daily had a 28 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes than women who did not eat apples,” she said.

Apples are also excellent for intestinal and heart health, said Springer.

One study found that “women who ate one or more apples a day had a 28 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes than women who did not eat apples,” Springer said. Glamy –

“The pectin in apples is a prebiotic and provides food for good gut bacteria,” she said.

“Pectin can promote the growth of gut bacteria and is therefore a good food for your microbiota.”

The nutritional content of apples also helps keep blood pressure at a healthy level, Springer said.

In addition, “potassium helps relax blood vessels, which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications associated with high blood pressure.”

By Bronte

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