Pipi’s Pasture: Hot Summer Days

Every winter it is so cold that we can hardly wait for summer. And then every summer we experience a real heatwave and can hardly wait for winter.

There doesn’t seem to be much time when the temperature is “just right,” nor does it seem that we’re ever satisfied, so what can be said about them now that we’re in the midst of hot summer days?

• Here at Pipi’s Pasture, there is a cat sitting in the shade under every tree, and there are many trees and many cats.

• Similarly, cattle and sheep seek shade wherever there are trees on summer pastures.

• High temperatures, low humidity and other factors contribute to the risk of wildfires and we are grateful to the firefighters who work so hard to protect property, people and animals.

• This year’s infestation of flies and other insects has given me a healthy respect for the animals they endure. I’m glad we put fly tags in our cows’ ears – I wish I had one.

• If you didn’t have a frying pan, you could probably fry an egg on the sidewalk – maybe even a hamburger.

• When you walk past a body of water such as a pool, a lake, a cow trough, or even a sprinkler, you feel the urge to jump in.

• Although it is not winter, we still need gloves to operate the hot steering wheel after it has been in the sun for a while.

• Wet clothes hung out on hot days must be dried quickly.

• On those hot days, I go out early so I can water the lawn and do other chores before it gets too hot.

• My tomato garden enjoys the sun as long as it is watered and it is producing some tomatoes.

• Grocery shopping is done early in the morning when it is cool enough to load the large shopping bags into the car and unload them again at home.

• In this heat, it is difficult to motivate yourself to clean the house.

• There is always something around Pipi’s Pasture, plant or animal, that needs water. This includes the deer that jump into the garden at night to eat the leaves from the elm trees and the robins that hop around the sprinkler on the lawn.

• A fan is essential at night, but have you ever noticed how cool it gets in the morning?

• What a wonderful pleasure to step outside this morning and find the sky darkened by storm clouds to the west, and a little later to hear a few drops of rain on the stovepipe. I don’t think this was forecast, but I enjoyed it very much.

The hot summer days are just around the corner, but don’t worry, because the cold winter days are soon upon us.

Pipi’s Pasture: Hot Summer Days

By Bronte

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