Power Rangers reveals the tough final fate of the original Blue Ranger Billy Cranston


  • Billy Cranston’s final legacy is the role of the Morphin Grid’s troubleshooter in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #1.
  • In the distant future, Billy works to repair the Morphin Grid from within, showing his development as a character.
  • As a mentor, Billy’s mission is to protect the future of the Rangers by ensuring the next generation of Power Rangers is prepared to face all evil.

Warning: Spoilers for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour No. 1!The final – and surprisingly harsh – fate of one of the original Power Rangers finally unfolds. Billy Cranstonthe first Blue Ranger, has been around since the pilot episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangersand has endured to this day, becoming the mentor of the newest generation of Power Rangers. Mentoring was second nature to Billy – but not his final legacy.

The Blue Ranger’s final legacy is to solve the problems of the Morphin Gridas from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #1 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raúl Angulo, Jose Enrique Fernandez, and Ed Dukeshire. The recent events of BOOM! Studios’ comic book sequel series have taken Billy to his darkest depths ever, but in the distant future he seeks atonement by repairing the Morphin Grid from within.

This insight into Billy’s character development is as symbolic and formative as the evolution of the Blue Ranger’s role itself within the larger context of the franchise.

Billy Cranston spends his future fixing the morphine grid

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #1

Blue Ranger Billy Cranston Power Rangers

When the “darkest hour” first descended upon the Rangers, Grace Sterling (the secret original Red Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team that predated the ’90s team) used her final words to give Billy his most important mission: to investigate and repair a rift within the Morphin Grid. She argues that a Blue Ranger’s primary job is to solve problems, and Billy takes it to heart that he must solve the franchise’s biggest problem. Admittedly, he goes to questionable lengths to achieve that goal, in a way that nearly causes Zordon to lose faith in him.

Even when Dark Specter is defeated, Billy finds that the Grid is still shattered, but he is willing to heal it. Many years later Billy has a new, cool look with an updated morpher. As an adult, his hair has grown significantly on top and around his face, and he still wears his Blue Ranger outfit (now equipped with combat boots) under a cape. He also has an ugly scar on his face. While writing a journal entry to Zordon, Billy promises that he will completely repair the grid, even if it takes his entire life.

Billy’s comic mission reflects his TV mission

There must always be Power Rangers

Dark Ranger Heckyl and Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger Billy in Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

As a mentor, Billy’s goal in his latest TV adventures is to ensure the next generation of Power Rangers is prepared for whatever evil the future holds. As the comic franchise reaches its finale, Billy’s goal remains the same. By protecting the Morphin Grid, Billy is actively protecting the future – especially the future of Rangerhood. It is not the future that many readers would expect for Billy Cranstonbut it is perfect for someone who wants to spend their time in the Power Rangers The franchise is so committed to being a hero that it’s almost obsessive.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour

is available at BOOM! Studios.

Power Rangers

Created by
Haim Saban, Shuki Levy

First TV show
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers

Video game(s)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle

By Bronte

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