Terrible flight experience for Cuban passenger on the Madrid-Miami route

A flight of the Spanish airline Iberia On Tuesday, shortly after takeoff on the Madrid-Miami route, a serious incident occurred that forced the plane to make an emergency landing at Adolfo Suárez Airport. Fortunately, the landing was successful despite the terrible incident.

The nearly 300 passengers on board the plane experienced terrible moments when the cabin filled with smoke and the air conditioning suddenly failed. Merry GonzalezA Cuban living in Miami who was on board the flight after transferring from another flight from Berlin described the ordeal in detail to journalists. Mario Vallejo.

González described that about 15 minutes into the flight, passengers smelled a burning smell and saw smoke rising from the cabin. She noticed that the plane jolted violently, as if it was hitting rocks, and it felt like it was going to crash. Panic broke out, with passengers screaming and sending farewell messages to loved ones. Some, including González, held other passengers’ hands for comfort, believing they might not survive.

Amid the chaos, a visibly shaken and crying flight attendant tried to calm the passengers. “I didn’t think we would survive,” González admitted, praising the pilot’s skill in getting them to safety. However, she sharply criticized the airline for its lack of communication and poor treatment afterward.

Mismanagement after an incident

According to González, the passengers were detained for several hours in a remote area of ​​the airport without access to food or water and were moved from one place to another without information or psychological support. Although there were no human casualties, several dogs in the animal transport area of ​​the plane did not survive, adding to the grief of a woman mourning the loss of her pets.

After many hours, some passengers were taken to a Melia Hotel with the promise of a rescheduled flight departing Barajas at 11:40 a.m. on Wednesday. Flight tracking platforms confirmed that the new flight departed at 12:03 p.m. (Spanish time).

Official response

The incident received little coverage in the Spanish media. The debatethe problem was due to problems with the aircraft’s air conditioning and pressure equalization system, which the airline said were unforeseeable. The report added that the smoke stopped after these systems were turned off and, although the plane could have continued its journey, it returned to Madrid-Barajas airport as a precautionary measure.

The landing was uneventful and the fire service accompanied the aircraft after landing. The flight was subsequently cancelled and passengers were rebooked on flights for Wednesday and Thursday. Those who required accommodation were able to stay in hotels.

Iberia officials said that such incidents were rare but not “unusual.” However, some Iberia employees admitted to El Debate that similar incidents had occurred before, but this time the smoke and smell of burning were more intense.

In response to a similar incident months ago, air traffic controllers pointed out on their social media account that such situations are serious and lead to traffic diversions, runway closures and the activation of emergency services. They stressed that most of these situations are resolved without serious consequences, thus underlining the reliability and safety of aviation.

Nevertheless, the dozens of passengers on the flight IB6117 This Tuesday will probably not quickly forget this traumatic experience.

Questions about the Madrid-Miami flight incident

Here are some frequently asked questions about the serious incident on the Iberia flight from Madrid to Miami. We provide insights and explanations based on the reported events.

What was the reason for the emergency return of the Iberia flight?

The reason for the emergency return was problems with the aircraft’s climate and pressure control, which caused the cabin to fill with smoke and the air conditioning to fail.

How did the passengers react during the incident?

The passengers were in a panic. Some were sending farewell messages to their loved ones, others were holding hands to offer comfort. The situation was chaotic, many were screaming and fearing for their lives.

How did the airline react after the incident?

According to passenger Merrye González, the airline’s response was inadequate. Communication was poor and basic amenities such as food and water were lacking. Passengers were relocated and did not receive psychological support.

By Bronte

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