The Blue Notebook – A weekly SMPD summary from 10 to 16 August 2024

by Erika Aklufi

POLICE MENU statistics for the week

Total Calls for Service (CFS): 2,686. 79,195 YTD (to August 10).

Source of calls:

Citizen initiated: 1,594 service calls. 45,893 YTD (60% of total CFS).

Operations initiated by officers: 1,092 emergency calls. 31,708 since the beginning of the year (40% of the total CFS).

Disposition for CFS: Homelessness = 17% since the beginning of the year.

Calls from the warehouse: 44,979 this year.

5150 calls: 10,409 YTD.

Arrests: 56 arrests in total. 1,677 this year.

Patrol Operations Department

Lewd Activities – 1700 block of Ocean Ave. A YouTube group known for tricking and catching child molesters contacted the department and advised that they had arrested an individual for making contact with a 15-year-old girl (decoy). The individual was arrested.

Arrest without bail – Main/Pico. An officer stopped the subject for a bicycle violation. A criminal background check revealed a no bail warrant for malicious damage to property/vandalism from the LAPD. The subject was transported to the LAPD Pacific Division.

Domestic Violence – 1900 block of Ocean Way. The suspect and victim are in a relationship. A verbal argument escalated to the point where the suspect hit and bit the victim. Officers responding to the call arrested the suspect for aggravated domestic violence.

Assault with a deadly weapon/knife – 400 block of Colorado Avenue. Officers were flagged down by a witness near the intersection of 5th and Colorado for a suspect brandishing a weapon. Officers attempted to apprehend the fleeing suspect. The suspect was apprehended after a short foot chase. The suspect was arrested for brandishing a knife (which was recovered at the scene) and making stabbing motions toward two additional victims who were leaving the area.

Sexual Assault – 2nd Street / Broadway. Officers saw the suspect raise his fist and threaten an elderly couple standing nearby. Before officers could intervene, the suspect turned around and punched a victim in the buttocks as she was crossing the street. Officers arrested the suspect for sexual assault.

Burglary – 1400 block of Ocean Ave. The offender entered the commercial building, took a bottle of water from the kitchen area and fled. Officers observed the suspect running from the building and arrested him without further incident.

Warrant – 500 block of Olympic Blvd. It was discovered that a San Diego County warrant was outstanding for an individual contacted by officers during the investigation of an assault with a deadly weapon. The individual was taken into custody and will be turned over to the San Diego Sheriff’s Department.

Waving/Knife – 200 block Santa Monica Pier. The suspect was arrested without incident after waving a knife and threatening to kill the victim. Officers determined the same individual was responsible for two previous similar incidents in the beach/pier area.

Earthquake – Information was received of a 5.3 magnitude earthquake in Bakersfield. A tremor was felt, but no damage or injuries were reported. Public safety checked everything in order and city windshield inspection protocols were followed.

Prohibited Weapon/Waving – 1300 block 3rd Street Promenade. The suspect is brandishing a dagger at passersby while standing in the doorway of a restaurant. Officers take the suspect into custody for the prohibited weapon. Investigation of the suspect revealed that he was wanted for crimes in Texas.

No-Bail Warrant – 1200 block of 7th Street. During a community quality of life operation, an officer stopped a bicyclist for a community code violation. The suspect had initially lied about his personal information. Once he was identified, officers learned he had a no-bail warrant for assault.

Robbery – 800 block Montana Ave. The suspect assaulted a clerk at a store while attempting to steal alcohol. The suspect was found nearby and arrested for robbery (Estes).

Commercial Burglary – 2700 block Ocean Park Blvd. Witnesses reported two offenders attempting to enter the building by removing the front door from its frame. The offenders were able to steal money from two cash registers and other items. The offenders fled in a waiting vehicle heading east on Ocean Park. The report was turned over to investigators for further investigation.

Robbery – 2500 block of Santa Monica Blvd. The homeless suspect entered the location and stole several towels and shirts. As the clerk approached, the suspect pulled out a pocket knife and threatened to stab the victim. The suspect left the area on a navy blue electric bicycle heading west on Santa Monica Boulevard. The incident is under investigation.

Commercial Burglaries (3 locations) – 2500 & 2700 blocks of Main Street. Two suspects smash a lockbox and then gain entry by breaking down a door. Lockboxes were also smashed at two other locations and keys used to enter the businesses are missing. Losses include electronics and cash. All three incidents are believed to be related and are under investigation.

Assault Investigation – 1700 block Montana Ave. Officers responded to a report of an assault involving an elderly male victim who sustained a head injury. The victim did not know how he was injured and ended up on the ground; there were no witnesses to the incident. The victim reported to officers that he had a verbal altercation with a bicyclist a block south of where he was found, but did not know if the bicyclist had attacked him. The victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment. The incident is being handled by detectives.

Weaponry/Criminal Threats – 1400 block of 2nd Street – Victim encountered suspect, who without provocation displayed a knife and threatened to kill the victim. Suspect was located nearby and arrested.

Direct Action Response Team (DART)

Enforcement of regulations: 4 summonses; 84 warnings, of which 17 verbal/15 written

SMPD: 5 summons; 7 field interviews; 9 camps cleared

Notable incidents

Ohio State Fugitive (Sexual Abuse) – 1600 block of the Beach. DART officers made contact with individuals who had set up camp on the beach. Officers used a fingerprint reader to identify one of the individuals and received a late hit after the check was completed. Officers learned the suspect was wanted for a rape committed in Ohio. Officers searched and located the suspect downtown. He will be extradited to Ohio. See related news article:

No-Bail Warrant – Santa Monica Pier. DART officers monitoring the Artist Lottery on the Pier were flagged down on the Pier by several tourists who were concerned that a suspicious male offender had been following them for 20 minutes. The offender was contacted and arrested. He turned out to be a sex offender with a no-bail warrant out for his arrest. The offender was arrested.

Assistance with temporary housing. DART officials this week made contact with a known homeless individual who has been living in the city for at least a year. The individual was unwilling to receive housing assistance from the city. Officials worked hard to build a relationship with the individual, who ultimately agreed to accept temporary housing at Samoshel. Great job by all involved to get an at-risk individual off the streets and connected with meaningful services.

Department of Community Affairs (CAU)

Beat 1

The Beat 1 Neighborhood Resource Officer (NRO) and our Public Services Officer (PSO) Supervisors worked with several City departments, including Code Enforcement and the City Attorney’s Office, to resolve an ongoing issue with a loud artist on the Ocean Front Walk. The NRO met with the violator on the Ocean Front Walk side of Shutters and charged him with the above violation. The violator complied with the citation and packed up his belongings for the day.

NRO Hollowell has called a team meeting on August 20, 2024, at the direction of Captain Flores, to discuss unauthorized events with amplified sound. Community Affairs, DART, PSOs, CAO and Code Enforcement are invited to the meeting

Beat 2

CAU began preparations for National Night Out on Monday. NNO setup began Tuesday morning and cleanup was partially completed by 10:00 p.m. Final cleanup was completed on Wednesday and equipment was returned to the various city departments.

NRO Navarro and Galvan conducted a neighborhood watch for the residents of 219 Bay Street. The main concern was the abandoned property at 234 Pico Blvd. NRO Navarro has been in contact with the property manager and they will be using a maintenance service to repair gaps in the fence. They will also be using additional security personnel when demolition of the property begins. They have also had numerous complaints about Star Liquor and will be passing these on to the owner, Ramon, and the building inspector.

Beat 3

NGO Galvan and Navarro hosted a neighborhood watch meeting via Zoom regarding 219 Bay St. The biggest concern for residents is 234 Pico, the former bowling alley, which is closed and fenced off. Transients have access to the parking lot and building. It was suggested that trespassers be called to emergency services if trespassers are spotted. NGOs will contact the property owners to repair the holes in the fence and properly secure the property.

Beat 4

NRO Wang attended National Night Out on Tuesday, August 6. NRO Wang helped with set-up and tear-down of the event, as well as other logistical issues.

By Bronte

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