SCOTUS knows Mississippi’s voices matter online

Here in the Magnolia State, we not only pride ourselves on our Southern hospitality and charm. We are a state of hard-working, innovative Americans with integrity who value their independence.

That is why our state and federal governments must make an environment free from unnecessary government interference – especially with regard to freedom of speech and the First Amendment – ​​a top priority.

The First Amendment is a cornerstone of our democracy. It is what keeps the beating heart of America running today.

It allows us to set our own values; it empowers us to express ourselves openly; it is quite simply what drives our self-governing society. In our increasingly digital world, our expression online must be protected according to the same principles.

Given the increasing proliferation of digital communication, potential state interference and censorship have become a real threat to our fundamental rights.

It is vital that we ensure our rights to freedom of expression and privacy are protected online. As technology advances, it is vital for policymakers and society as a whole to address the challenges to our freedom of expression and work towards upholding our fundamental rights in the digital age.

The U.S. Supreme Court recently weighed in on this issue in Moody v. NetChoice and NetChoice v. Paxton, cases that involved unconstitutional legislative actions that would have given governments unprecedented control over online content, violating our First Amendment rights.

Fortunately, the Supreme Court’s decision affirmed First Amendment protections for editorial decisions on social media platforms. Their ruling rejected a misguided attempt to control Americans’ free speech on digital platforms and should be commended for protecting our freedoms.

The U.S. Supreme Court made the right decision here, and I hope it sets a precedent against government overreach in the digital sphere and prevents future attempts to censor Americans’ speech online.

Leaders across the country should be committed to protecting our First Amendment rights, not violating them. It is vital that our right to free speech continues to be protected. It is a worthy cause, and we must all see it through.

I am proud to represent the good people of North Carrollton and advocate for their interests. I urge my fellow citizens to support policies that promote free speech – in person or online – here in North Carrollton and across the Magnolia State. Our voices matter.

— Ken Strachan is mayor of North Carrollton.

By Bronte

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