Avengers: Twilight TPB Review

Chip Zdarsky and Daniel Acuña have teamed up to bring readers closer to the end of the Avengers in this grim tale of the possible future of the Avengers. One might be tempted to compare this story to other grim tales of the end of the future, such as Kingdom come or the Earth X Trilogythis film will certainly be able to stand on its own. The creative team finds a way to connect it to real fears by putting characters we love in this tragic situation. How will the Avengers find a way to save us?

Avengers: Twilight TPB Review: Darkest Before the Dawn
Marvel Comics

Chip Zdarsky’s story is a great place to start, as evil quietly took over the country while the heroes disappeared after H-Day. At first we are supposed to believe that corporate takeovers took over politics and law, leading to the Watcher Act and “terror curfews.” The narrative comes from Steve Rogers’ mind. We learn that in the past he tried to prevent some of the nightmares by running for office, but in the end people didn’t have his way. Zdarsky shows Rogers navigating this world and how lost friends and family are. Steve feels called to action again, but can the newly formed street gang, the Defenders, be enough of an ally for him to succeed?

This story is fantastic because we witness an idea that grapples with corruption, greed, and hopelessness. Piece by piece and issue by issue, we see the momentum continue. One of my favorite moments is seeing Captain America in action for the first time, which happens in issue #2. Daniel Acuña shows a scene where bullies are taking on a helpless person and Cap stands up. When Cap reaches out and says, “Everything will be OK now,” you can feel hope in this new world. The action in this story hits us in two ways, physically and emotionally, giving us the big fight scenes with high potential for disaster and a fight that would have most falling to their knees and giving up. Acuña captures both beautifully in his art.

Avengers: Twilight - Part 1

Marvel Comics

The villains are a solid choice as they capture that physical and emotional struggle. I don’t want to give anything away, because this is a worthwhile story that you should read. One of the villains’ attempts to sugarcoat their past is a thrilling contrast; as this plot point progresses, the idea that modern people would accept anything further drives Cap into a hopeless rage. The creative team puts the heroes in a complex situation, but when hope breaks through, we get an inspiring glimpse of heroism. The Avengers not only rally, but manage to inspire and gain some new legacies to continue the dream.

Avengers: Twilight - Part 1

Marvel Comics

I love reading about possible “endings” or the future of heroes, and this is right up there with them. Although it says Avengers: Endgameit seems more like a Captain America story with some Avengers tropes. That’s not a bad thing at all because wow, what a story for Cap. I love the parallels to Kingdom come and I found this to be an excellent reminder to stand up for what you believe in, even when it is hard. I felt that this was a better choice than the Earth X Trilogy because this is something that can be read in one sitting. The story lends itself to a possible sequel, but it ends just right, and if you don’t want to read it again, you don’t have to. Fortunately, in my opinion, this is worth a re-read. The trade is your best deal, as you get all the issues, bonus images, and cover galleries.

Experience a relevant story that shows how a lost population, corrupted by technology and news, reacts to the return of heroes. How does Captain America save a world that no longer wants his style? What can Captain America do after H-Day, when heroes die or go into hiding? Zdarsky and Acuña show us that the idea of ​​the Avengers can thrive, to unite again against evil even in a dark future. Don’t miss this excellent adventure!

Avengers: Twilight - Part 1

Avengers: Twilight TPB Review: Darkest Before the Dawn

Avengers: Twilight – Part 1

Experience a relevant story that shows how a lost population, corrupted by technology and news, reacts to the return of heroes. How does Captain America save a world that no longer wants his style? What can Captain America do after “H Day” when heroes die or go into hiding? Zdarsky and Acuña show us that the idea of ​​the Avengers can thrive, to unite again against evil even in a dark future. Don’t miss this excellent adventure!

Chip Zdarsky creates a profound script that scratches at the gritty character of Captain America and forces him to find a way to rise up against despair and hopelessness.

Daniel Acuña’s art style is a wonder here as he shows off his skills in scenes that challenge the heroes physically and emotionally

One of the best “what if” endings Marvel has produced in a long time, this story can stand the test of time as it has a consistent theme of hope against uncertainty.

In this collector’s edition you will also receive all the covers created and some bonus images with character designs

It would have been nice to see how some of the other Avengers would have fared in this possible future

By Bronte

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