Review – Gotham City Sirens No. 4: Game Brawl

Cover of Gotham City Sirens #4, via DC Comics.

Gotham City Sirens #4 – Leah Williams, writer; Daniel Hillyard, Brandt & Stein, artists; Triona Farrell, Marisa Louise, colorists

Ray – 8.5/10

Beam: The conclusion of this weekly adventure brings an issue nearly twice as big as the original, as well as the wildest action of the entire series. The trio of Harley, Ivy and Selina have joined the very strange White Rabbit (and her massive spin-off Dumb Bunny) as they battle an army of thugs working for Punchline – many of whom have now become zombies through a strange connection of unknown source. It’s up to Ivy to stop the mob – which she succeeds in doing in a very interesting way that will no doubt spark many a fantasy for Harley. Meanwhile, Selina and White Rabbit infiltrate the compound and try to find the source of the connection – and discover that it’s not any kind of technology, but a synthetic version of the force that powers Poison Ivy’s pheromones – and to say she doesn’t take kindly to this would be an understatement. I think a lot of rich guys are going to have a very bad day.

Zombie plants. About DC Comics.

The violence in this issue is pretty over the top – mostly bloodless, but extreme in an almost Looney Tunes-esque way. Punchline, whose plans have been foiled, completely loses his mind and battles Harley high in the skies above the desert while the rest of the team fights on the ground. While the three main characters held their own well, it was definitely White Rabbit and Dumb Bunny who stole the show over the course of this mini. Their whole gimmick is pretty funny, and Dumb Bunny’s absurd mindset makes her seem a bit like Gotham’s resident Bizarro. Overall, the plot in this mini is a little thin and absurd, but it serves the purpose of bringing the gang together so they can unleash chaos. There’s a lot of topical stuff here that reminds me a little of Mark Russell’s work in places, but with an energy that definitely fits the chaotic legacy of the Gotham City Sirens.

Reviews of all DC issues can be found under “DC This Week”.

GeekDad received this comic for review purposes.

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By Bronte

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