
A flood warning is in effect for 3 counties in New Jersey until Wednesday morning

A flood warning is in effect for 3 counties in New Jersey until Wednesday morning

The National Weather Service issued a flood warning at 7:38 p.m. Tuesday, effective from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Wednesday, for Essex, Morris and Passaic counties.

The weather service reports: “Minor flooding is forecast for the Passaic River at Pine Brook.”

“At 19.0 feet, road flooding will begin in Fairfield, including Camp Lane Road. Two Bridges Road is closed toward Lincoln Park and Wayne,” the weather service comments. “Do not drown if you encounter flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when flood hazards are harder to see. The next statement will be issued Wednesday morning at 7:45 a.m.”

Deciphering advisories, observations and warnings: Understanding weather warnings

  • Flash flood warning: take action!

A flash flood warning is issued when a flash flood is imminent or is already occurring. In areas at risk of flooding, it is important to get to higher ground immediately. A flash flood is a sudden and severe flood that can develop within minutes to hours and can occur even in areas where there is currently no rainfall.

  • Flood warning: take action!

A flood warning is issued when flooding is imminent or already underway.

  • Flood warning: Please note:

A Flood Warning is issued when flooding is not expected to reach a level of severity that would warrant a warning. However, such a warning may cause significant inconvenience and, if ignored, may result in situations threatening life and/or property.

  • Flood warning: Be prepared:

A flood warning is issued when conditions are favourable for flooding. This does not mean that flooding will occur, but it is possible.

Weather Service Flood Safety Guidelines: Weathering the Storm

Flooding can pose a significant threat, especially if you live in a flood-prone area or are camping in a low-lying region. To ensure your safety, the Weather Service offers important flood safety guidelines:

Move to higher ground:

If you live in a flood-prone area or are camping in low-lying areas, the first step to safety is to move to higher ground.

Follow the evacuation instructions:

If local authorities issue an evacuation order, obey it immediately. Secure your home by locking it before leaving.

Disconnect utilities and equipment:

If time permits, unplug your utilities and appliances. This precaution will minimize electrical hazards during flooding.

Avoid basements and flooded areas:

Avoid basements or rooms where sockets or cables are under water. This way you can avoid electrical accidents.

Fast evacuation for your safety:

If you notice sparks or hear buzzing, crackling, popping or banging noises, evacuate immediately. Do not enter water that may be live.

Avoid entering flood water:

Never attempt to walk through flood water, even if it appears shallow. Even 6 inches of fast-flowing water can sweep you off your feet with full force.

Seek higher ground if you are trapped:

If you become trapped in running water, go to the highest possible point and call 911.

During heavy rain, the risk of flooding increases, especially in low-lying and flood-prone areas. It is important to avoid driving through water on the road, even if it appears shallow. According to the weather service, most cars can be swept away by just 30 cm of water. Your safety comes first by staying informed and prepared.

Driving in heavy rain: safety tips for wet roads

Rain can make roads dangerous. Stay informed and follow these weather service tips to stay safe during heavy rain:

Be careful in case of flooding:

Avoid parking or walking in close proximity to culverts or drainage ditches, as fast-flowing water may sweep you away during heavy rain.

Keep the safety distance:

Use the two-second rule to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you, and add an additional two seconds in heavy rain.

Slow down and be careful:

On wet roads, it is important to reduce speed. Slowly ease off the accelerator and avoid sudden braking to prevent skidding.

Choose your lane carefully:

Stay in the middle lanes to minimize the risk of aquaplaning. More water can collect in the outer lanes.

Visibility is important:

Improve your visibility in heavy rain by turning on your headlights. Pay particular attention to vehicles in your blind spot, as rain-smeared windows can obscure them.

Be careful on slippery roads:

During the first half hour of rain, the roads are most slippery due to a mixture of rain, dirt and oil. Be especially careful during this time.

Keep a safe distance from large vehicles:

Large trucks and buses can reduce your visibility with tire spray. Avoid following them too closely and overtake them quickly and safely.

Pay attention to your windshield wipers:

  • Overloaded wiper blades can reduce visibility. If rain is severely affecting your visibility, pull over to the side of the road and wait for conditions to improve. Seek shelter in rest areas or places sheltered from the wind.
  • If you can only stop at the side of the road, position your vehicle as far from the road as possible, ideally behind guard rails. Leave your headlights on and activate your hazard lights to alert other drivers to your position.

In heavy rain, these precautions can go a long way to keeping you safe on the road. Remember to check weather conditions and follow the instructions of local authorities to ensure a safe journey.

Advance Local Weather Alerts is a service from United Robots that uses machine learning to compile the latest data from the National Weather Service.

By Bronte

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