Are “raw dogging” flights safe? Experts warn travelers about viral trend

As unmarried flying becomes more and more popular, experts advise against this “dangerous” travel trend.

Staring into space for hours without food, water, or entertainment may not be for everyone. However, in the summer of 2024, many travelers became familiar with “raw-dogging” flights, where they sit and stare at the back of the seat in front of them without distraction.

The travel trend has become so popular that Rawdog Airlines, an online gaming service that impersonates a real airline in its simulation, has launched a Rawdog simulator game.

Despite many curious followers of the raw food practice, experts are now warning against this trend because it can lead to death.

What do experts say about “raw dogging” on a flight?

Medical expert Dr. Gill Jenkins, who works on an air ambulance, shared her thoughts on this travel trend, saying that while a “digital detox” can be good, it is not advisable to go without food and hold your bowels for an entire flight.

“You’re idiots,” she told the BBC. “A digital detox might do you good, but anything else goes against medical advice.”

“The risk of long-haul flights is that you run the risk of dehydration. If you don’t move, you run the risk of deep vein thrombosis, which is exacerbated by dehydration,” she said.

Nutritionist Toby King also advised against raw food flights, stressing that it was the “most dangerous” trend he had observed recently.

“This is one of the most dangerous trends I’ve seen on social media in a long time. And while it looks harmless and a bit fun on the surface, this could have deadly consequences. I would urge people to be sensible when travelling,” he shared.

Despite what experts think, “raw dogging” a flight remains popular. One pilot even bragged about his experience on TikTok, saying all he had was “a map and flying.”

By Bronte

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