“Babs” No. 1 – an intelligent comedy disguised as a dirty comedy

It seems we are in a new age of adult fantasy. Babs Releases this week, alongside Barbaric And Rat queens, to name just two. Author Garth Ennis tries to spice up the sword and sorcery genre by mixing adult language and themes, and does so beautifully. Add in some social commentary on internet culture, and you’ve got a wild ride ahead of you.

The first thing you will notice when you open it Babs #1 is the great art by Jacen Burrows. The woods are lush and the details are beautiful. The captions draw us in with a sing-song depiction of how others see Babs as a fox chases and pounces on a rabbit. Burrows is great at character portrayal, a must for a comedy like this, but there are so many rich details in this fantasy world that you’ll never doubt its setting.

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Soon she’s tugging at her chainmail shirt, saying it’s going to cut off her nipples. That’s not your father’s dress. Conan the Barbarian. It’s a good start, as much of this issue takes place in a bar where Babs has to deal with incel-like bullies. Before heading to the bar, there’s a good gag involving a dragon and a solid introduction to Babs’ other barbarian friend.

'Babs' No. 1 Review

These characters are referred to as “Leprecunts” in the issue.
Photo credit: AHOY

This issue isn’t all swear words and vomit humor, although there is plenty of that. There are some good comments about the typical overly online-savvy male thrown in. At one point they talk trash about Babs because they claim she stole the costume from her father, who did it better. You see, they hate it when they think gender mixing is happening. Later, there are more comments from this vile gang involving the “Deep Realm,” aka the Deep State. They are a good contrast to our barbaric protagonist who couldn’t care less about these washed-up men.

Somewhat surprisingly, Ennis sticks with Babs’ desire to soften her chainmail with events after the bar. The scene helps establish her talking sword, which is set up well, but a lot of time is spent on a mishap with a bear. While I’m OK with a bear attack, it seems like a lot of focus is on keeping her busy while the incels gain strength.

This edition also includes a backup teaser for Toxic Avengerand it’s a great piece of dirty weirdness. Fred Harper’s art has a grittiness that makes you itch in a good way. The Toxic Avenger is genuinely disturbing to look at, and Mat Bors captures the wholesomeness right off the bat. The social commentary may be brief, but it will be a joy to delve into once the series gets going.

Babs is a lot of fun, especially for someone who grew up with the love Conan the Barbarian. There’s an edginess you don’t often see in adult comics that shouldn’t be missed. This is a smart comedy disguised as filthy while also being completely insane.

“Babs” No. 1 – an intelligent comedy disguised as a dirty comedy

“Babs” No. 1 – an intelligent comedy disguised as a dirty comedy

Babes #1

Babs is a hell of a lot of fun, especially for someone who grew up watching Conan the Barbarian. There’s a snarkiness that you don’t often see in adult comics and it’s not to be missed. This is a smart comedy disguised as filthy while also being completely insane.

The right kind of dirty humor

Great art fits the genre

Social criticism is delicious

Good backup

Seems to be far too focused on the bear attack

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By Bronte

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