Big Brother August 8, 2024: Kenney Kelley evicted in LIVE eviction episode (recap)

Big Brother August 8, 2024: Kenney Kelley evicted in LIVE eviction episode (recap)

Hello Big Brother fans. Tonight, August 8, 2024, another new LIVE Eviction episode for the current 26th season of Big Brother actually aired, and we saw the next unlucky houseguest get evicted at the end.

Tonight’s new LIVE eviction episode began with footage of what happened in the house after the crazy events of the last POV ceremony, which left Tucker and Kenney on the waitlist after Tucker made the dumbest move in Big Brother history by using his veto not on himself, but on Angela. Then HOH nominated Cedric Makensy to replace Angela. Then Makensy used her POV upgrade power from America to take herself off the waitlist, allowing America to vote for the 3rd contestant.

Angela told the private cameras, “I’m shocked. I can see the other houseguests squirming.” Cedric told the private cameras, “I’d rather make Tucker angry than Quinn, and I tried to warn Tucker before the POV ceremony about using the Veto on himself, so that’s his fault. Going up against Quinn was not good for my game. So I decided not to go through with the plan to nominate Quinn as a replacement nominee for the POV ceremony.”

Tucker kept telling Cedric, “From now on, you’re going to be a lone shark,” but Cedric’s ally at the Pentagon told him, “We’ve got your back,” after he told them what happened to Tucker leading up to the POV ceremony.

Some people kept asking Cedric what exactly the plan was that Tucker thought was going to happen. So Cedric called a house meeting and asked Tucker to explain to everyone what he thought was going to happen.

Tucker told everyone the plan was to put Quinn on the hit list and vote him out to get rid of his Deep Fake HOH upgrade power. Quinn explained to Tucker, “I didn’t tell anyone I had the Deep Fake HOH power because I didn’t want to be a target for it.” For some reason, Tucker didn’t seem to accept this logical reasoning.

Brookyln told the private cameras: “I still trust Quinn, even though he hasn’t told us about his power. Our alliance with the Pentagon can still benefit from his power.”

Quinn told Cedric, “I didn’t want to tell anyone about my power and that that was the only reason people included me in things.” Cedric and Quinn agreed that they were still working together.

Tucker kept denying that Cedric told him to use the Veto on himself before the POV ceremony. (Production showed the footage of Cedric telling Tucker to use the Veto on himself before the POV ceremony.) So Cedric was very honest about this. Tucker continued to threaten Cedric, saying, “I have the numbers. I’m going to win the BB AI Arena competition, come back and take you out.” Cedric said, “Okay. If that’s it. Then that’s it.”

Next, host Julie Chen-Moonves announced that America had chosen Quinn as the third contestant to be evicted from the house. This meant that Tucker, Quinn, and Kenney had to compete in the BB AI Arena competition. It was called “Data Dump.” It was a physical challenge that involved retrieving 20 red balls and putting them in a tube. Tucker won, leaving Quinn and Kenney as the last contestants to be evicted this week. They were given a few minutes to lobby the other houseguests for votes.

After their campaigns ended, Kenney and Quinn made their final arguments. Quinn announced that he would definitely try to take out Tucker next week. “Tucker is the Lebron James of these challenges,” he said.

After the pleas, the remaining houseguests, minus current HOH Cedric, voted for eviction. Tucker voted to evict Quinn. T’Kor, Angela, Chelsie, Makensy, Brooklyn, Rubina, Cam, Kimo, Joseph and Leah all voted to evict Kenney. So, with a vote of 10 to 1, Kenney was evicted from the Big Brother Season 26 house tonight.

Kenny gave his farewell interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. Kenney told Julie, “I’m very relieved to have been ejected. I greatly underestimated the emotions involved in this game. I really miss my family. I love them to death. If this had been five years ago, I probably would have been a different player.”

The first week after Matt left, I really started to feel the emotions. Matt helped me pull myself together when he was here. As far as the game goes, I found it very difficult to try and manipulate people.” After all that, Julie mentioned that a special episode of Big Brother will air on Tuesday night, August 13, 2024, so keep that in mind for next week.

The new HOH competition will be held later tonight, so we’ll be back later to share the results with you. Keep an eye out for that. Follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates. Click here.

Alright folks. That’s it for the latest Big Brother TV show recap, but be sure to stay tuned for more.

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