DC reveals there has always been a secret fourth member of the Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman trinity


  • As
    Batman/Superman: The Best in the World #30
    When Trinity’s first mission is revealed, it reminds fans that Dick Grayson’s Robin has been there from the beginning.
  • Dick entered the DC canon just a year after Batman and was present at the founding of the Trinity and their great adventures as a team.
  • In recent years, Nightwing has gained the cult status he deserves and was even chosen to lead DC’s community of heroes in the absence of the Justice League.

There is no superhero alliance more iconic than that between DC’s iconic Trinity: Gotham’s Dark Knight Detective Batmanthe Amazon Princess Wonder Woman and the extraterrestrial protector of the Earth, SupermanThe iconic trio has saved the universe time and time again, anchoring not only the concept of the Justice League, but the entire world’s superhero community. DC now points out that there is a fourth member of this group – someone who was there from the beginning.

In a preview of Batman/Superman: The Best in the World #30Fans can see what DC calls “the first mission of the Trinity.” This isn’t the first time the heroes have met, but it is the first time they’ve worked together as an official trio, investigating a murder on the island of Themyscira. Yet even on this history-making first mission, the Trinity is accompanied by its unofficial fourth member.

The issue features Dick Grayson’s Robin, who was invited to join Batman on the mission as the Dark Knight’s sidekick. The first Robin, however, is not a guest – he is part of the crime-fighting team and This issue makes it clear that he has been working with Trinity since the group’s informal founding.. Since Robin was only a sidekick, he wasn’t seen as a full-fledged member, but as he grew into his own hero as Nightwing, it became increasingly clear to him that his connection to the Trinity was much more than just a sideline.

Batman/Superman: The Best in the World #30

Batman Superman world's best cover with the Trinity

  • Author: Mark Waid
  • Artist: Gleb Melnikov
  • Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Bryan Dan Mora


Batman only needed two words to repair his relationship with Nightwing

The solution to the strained relationship between Batman and Nightwing has always been simple and required only two small but powerful words from Bruce Wayne.

Robin plays a much earlier role in Batman history than most fans believe: he appeared just a year after the Dark Knight’s debut.

Dick Grayson’s Robin was with the Trinity from the beginning

Nightwing’s former sidekick status makes him more influential than anyone believes

Robin was first introduced in 1940, just one year after Batman’s debut in 1939. Detective Comics No. 27. While later stories expanded the story of Batman’s early days without Robin, The prodigy has been part of the Dark Knight mythos almost from the beginning, introduced before Batman’s “no kill” rule.This is especially significant considering that Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman didn’t start working together until 1947. All-Star Comics No. 36.

In fact, even in this story, the connection between Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman was not particularly emphasized. For a considerable portion of their appearances in DC Comics, the three were simply considered members of the Justice League, with no stronger bond as a “trinity” than with any other members. In fact, the idea of ​​Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman being particularly close began more or less with Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Superman Yearbook No. 11 and his iconic “For the man who has everything.”


One fact about Trinity from Justice League will blow any DC fan away

Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman have led the heroes of DC Comics for decades, but this trio was not always the “trinity” it is today!

This story (in which Batman and Wonder Woman visit the Fortress of Solitude to celebrate Superman’s birthday) wasn’t published until 1985, and even then, Robin is a major character. Not only does he appear throughout the story, but he is actually the one who saves Superman’s life at the end of the story – although in this case, the Robin in question is the second Child prodigy Jason Todd. The special relationship of the Trinity was probably not fully canonized until 2003. Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinityalthough later stories retrospectively assumed that it existed very early in each hero’s career.

All of this is to point out that Robin had been a staple of Batman history for years – arguably decades – before the Trinity came into being, so it’s easy to see why he was included in their first mission and most important adventures. In fact, Robin’s early introduction and iconic nature have led to him being placed alongside the Justice League in adaptations like 1973’s The Trinity. Super Friends and 1986 The Batman/Superman Hour. Since the Trinity has known each other, Robin is not only present, but active in their adventures.


DC reveals that Dick Grayson met him before Batman (SPOILER) and changed Gotham’s history forever

DC completely rewrites Nightwing’s relationship with an iconic member of the Justice League by revealing that Dick Grayson met her before Batman.

Nightwing uniquely bridges all generations of DC heroes: he grew up alongside the originals, inspired the Titans generation, and trained the new, up-and-coming crime fighters (many of them are the children of the heroes he fought alongside as a teenager).

Nightwing has become an image of the Trinity

Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman chose Dick Grayson as the leader of the DC heroes

Dick Grayson’s insider/outsider status has evolved over the decades to become one of DC’s most compelling characters. As Robin and Nightwing, Dick was part of the most iconic generation of DC heroes without being seen as their equal. This allowed for a much of growth as he went from child prodigy to solo hero and finally leader of the Titans.

Since then, Dick has been considered the most famous and popular hero in the DC Universe – someone all the oldest heroes watched growing up and who the next generation of former sidekicks look up to as a leader and role model. As DC has recently established a new, younger generation of heroes, Nightwing has also become the mentor, training Batman and Superman’s sons Damian and Jon, running the Titans Academy, and looking out for underdog heroes like City Boy.


Nightwing is ready to unite the Titans and the Justice League as DC’s greatest team ever

Nightwing has officially positioned himself as DC’s MVP and taken on the responsibility of uniting the Justice League and the Titans into the greatest team of all time.

With the release of 2022, DC has acknowledged how important Nightwing has become to its universe. Dark Crisis on Infinity Earth. Not only did Nightwing win the victory over the multiverse-devouring villain of this story, but when the dust settled and the Justice League decided to disband for a while, Superman and Wonder Woman (with Batman’s approval) turned to Nightwing and asked him to replace them as Earth’s chief protector. This status remained throughout the Beastworld And Absolute power Events, with Dick Grayson steps into the foreground as the unofficial leader of all DC superheroes.

Seeing Dick Grayson alongside the Trinity on their first mission underscores how he exists both inside and outside of that alliance—his association with the iconic trio gave him equal legendary status in both the world and with readers, but his secondary status as sidekick gave him tremendous room to develop over the decades of comics. Nightwing has been with the Trinity since the beginning and has basically always been a member, but his existence outside of the group’s official codification has made him a character who is simultaneously iconic and accessible.

Nightwing could have existed alongside Trinity for a long time, but DC’s recent upgrade of the character means there’s no way Dick Grayson will be relegated to the B-list again.


Nightwing’s emergency plan against telepaths makes him DC’s best detective (yes, better than Batman)

Nightwing is Batman’s greatest apprentice and it seems like he has learned almost every trick Batman has – including creating replacement personalities.

There is no turning back for Nightwing

Dick Grayson has arrived on the A-list and will stay

For decades, DC has hinted at Nightwing’s potential as a hero. Batman had long considered Dick Grayson his best hero and trained him to be a leader among DC’s heroes. However, the publisher was understandably reluctant to promote a hero who is a household name but not under an identity he can ever credibly return to. In recent years, that has changed, with the critically beloved tenure of Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo in the current Nightwing The series deserves a lot of credit for capitalizing on Dick’s potential.

Fans have long debated whether or not Nightwing is still in Batman’s shadow, but in DC’s current comics, it’s clear that he’s fully established as a solo character. Taylor says Nightwing is already A-list and simply needs to be treated as such. More recent stories have moved on from defining Nightwing solely by his relationship with Batman, and instead have explored what it means to be the hyper-competent hero that connects every generation of crime-fighters. Dick Grayson has always been simultaneously part of and separate from the Trinity, and nothing illustrates his unique nature better than the fact that he was the hero who took the lead when Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman stopped working turn to someone who has always worked with them but is only now viewed as an equal.


Batman admitted that another hero belongs in DC’s Trinity in his place

Batman admitted that, besides Superman and Wonder Woman, another DC Comics superhero should be a member of the Trinity in his place

Nightwing’s increasing prominence in the DC Universe is particularly satisfying through the lens of his partial membership in the Trinity, especially in the sense that his character development has played out over literally decades of stories. He is a character who has been on the side of Superman, Wonder Woman And Batman from the beginning, but is only now gaining the same level of recognition and respect – from his fellow heroes, from comic fans and even from DC.

Batman/Superman: The Best in the World #30 will be available from DC Comics on August 21st.

Nightwing in DC Comics. Art by Bruno Redondo.


Nightwing is the superhero name Dick Grayson adopted when he outgrew the role of Robin and became a superhero in his own right. Inspired by the original Kryptonian hero of the same name, Grayson used this identity to achieve immortality in the comics and earn respect as one of the greatest leaders in the DC Universe.

By Bronte

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