Download PDF Sample Exam for Class 10 Science

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Question 1

Multiple choice questions



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Question 2 – Question 16

2 Mark Questions

15 (Try any 11)


Question 17- Question 25

3 Mark Questions

9 (Try any 6)


Question 26-Question 28

5-point questions



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PSEB Class 10 Science Paper Exam 2025

Q.1: Try the following multiple choice questions.

i. Gurpreet brought some mint from the market. After a few days, there was a strong smell of mint. Why did this happen?

a) Reduction

b) Oxidation

c) Corrosion

d) Expulsion

ii. When we mix lead nitrate and potassium iodide, a yellow precipitate is formed. Can you name the precipitate?

a) Lead oxide

b) Potassium nitrate

c) Potassium oxide

d) Lead iodide

III. The pH value of a neutral solution is

a) Less than 7

b) 7

c) Greater than 7

c) 0

iv. Tartaric acid is found in

a) Vinegar

b) Nettle sting

c) Tomato

d) Tamarind

v. The ability of metals to be drawn into thin wires is called

a) Ductility

b) Formability

c) Soundful

d) Conductivity

vi. In the electrolytic refining of copper, the cathode consists of

a) Impure copper

b) Pure copper

c) Zinc

d) Iron

VII. What is the long form of ATP?

a) Adenosine triphosphate

b) Aminotriphosphat

c) Adenosine tetraphosphate

d) Aminotetraphosphat

VIII. What happens when water is released from guard cells?

a) Guard cells close

b) Locking cell opens

c) Guard cells turn green

d) Dried out

ix. Select the type of excretion in plants.

a) Dead leaves

b) Perspiration

c) Cellular vacuoles

d) All of the above

x. Which part of the brain can be divided into two hemispheres?

a) Midbrain

b) Forebrain

c) Hindbrain

d) Spinal cord

xi. Which of the following actions is not involuntary?

a) Vomiting

b) Salivation

c) Heartbeat

d) Chewing

XII. The disease caused by sexual contact is


b) Cholera

c) Elephant foot

d) Tuberculosis

XIII. The person with the XY chromosome is called

a) Female

b) Hybrid

c) Male

d) None of the above

XIV. Which of the following materials cannot be used to make a lens?

a) Water

b) Glass

c) Plastic

d) Sound

xv. The mode of reproduction in Spirogyra is

a) Bud formation

b) Fragmentation

c) Regeneration

d) Nuclear fission

XVI. What color will the sky be when viewed from the moon?

a) Blue

b) Green

c) Black

d) Yellow

XVII. Which of the following metals is used in the manufacture of the filament?

from a light bulb?

a) Copper

b) Aluminium

c) Tungsten

d) Lead

XVIII. Select the device for protecting circuits against short circuits

Short circuits and overloads.

a) Generator

b) Engine

c) Security

d) None of the above

XIX. What is the molecular formula of ozone?

a) O2

b) O3

c) O5


xx. Which of the following substances is not biodegradable?

a) Vegetable bowl

b) Glass

c) Plastic bottle

d) Leather

By Bronte

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