“Find your colors” is back in fashion

Trends have always been cyclical (which is why we are currently seeing the resurgence of low-rise jeans) and this year, colour analysis is making a big comeback. Last popular in the 1980s; Color analysis helps you find your “season”, what effective means Determine which tones suit your skin best. If you are a winter type, cool, saturated jewel tones look best, if you are a spring type, warm, bright tones look best, etc.

The color analysis is a hit on TikTokand hundreds of videos (and parodies of them) show the process. Stylists determine your colors by holding different colored fabrics in front of your face to illustrate which ones make you brighter and more energetic and which exhaust yourself.

Supported by art and science

Although the videos may be theatrical, color analysis relies on aesthetic principles and psychology. Carole Jackson’s Color Me Beautiful was the book that originally sparked the trend. Color analysis combines Color theorylong-standing artistic principles about which colors go well together, and Color psychologya sector that researches how colors influence emotions and behavior.

As we learned in elementary art class, some tones on the color wheel naturally complement others better.

“If the method is good, the information extremely valuable if they are used correctly,” says image strategist and communications consultant Zayna Rose.

Dress with ease

The goal of color finding is shopping and dressing more light, because you already know that rich reds or pale blues suit you best. There is certainly something to be said for this. Having a catalog of colors you know flatter you makes it easier to put together an outfit or select an item for your online shopping cart.

“Knowing exactly which palette works best for you will make it easier to make decisions and feel comfortable with your look,” says Rose.

Another advantage is that your skin tone determines your colors So Once you been rated; you are ready for life. Unlike skin care products or hairstyles that can change over time, these colors last forever.

Don’t forget to play

As with all beauty trends, don’t take color theory too seriously. It is meant to simplify your life, relieve decision fatigue and add confidence to your style. If you notice that it is slowly taking over your wardrobe (I could not If you don’t buy anything purple, you’ve gone too far.

“I believe everyone should wear what makes them feel comfortable, whether it’s part of their ideal palette or not,” says Rose.

There are no hard and fast rules in fashion. If you find a piece you like but in a color that is out of season, it’s OK to buy it and feel comfortable in it.

By Bronte

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