House Democrats are asked NOT to book hotels under their own names at the DNC

Pro-Palestinian supporters protest near the Morehouse College graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 19, 2024, in Atlanta.

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

House Democrats are being asked not to book hotel rooms in Chicago under their own names for next week’s Democratic National Convention, as thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters are expected in the city.

Axios reported that security officials were concerned that some lawmakers could be in physical danger.

The report states:

Democrats attending the Democratic National Convention next week are being told by congressional security officials not to book hotel rooms under their own names or engage with protesters if confronted, Axios has learned. The order comes as some Democratic lawmakers fear for their safety after being unsettled by a series of disruptive pro-Palestinian protests since the war between Israel and Hamas began last year.

The warning comes as some hotels have received “random calls asking for people,” a lawmaker who remained anonymous to Axios said.

House Democrats received a directive from the House Sergeant-at-Arms warning: “If you encounter protesters, try not to engage and instead report to Capitol Police.”

One unnamed lawmaker told Axios they were “very concerned” for their own safety and that of their colleagues. Another, described as a “senior Democrat in the House,” said they had been warned “not to go to a certain area because they expect there to be violence there.”

The person added: “The protesters are not staying at a designated protest site… and there are people who are going to go there and really try to cause trouble.”

Another said DNC organizers were expected to hold a safe convention as tens of thousands of demonstrators protesting Israel’s ongoing campaign against Hamas in Gaza reportedly want to make their presence known. Axios added:

In a welcome packet to congressional Democrats, congressional officials said the Secret Service, which is responsible for security at the event, had been “working with all levels of law enforcement,” including the Capitol Police and the Chicago Police Department. The document added that the Secret Service had “provided over 400 hours of training to officers specific to this event.”

The Congress begins on Monday and ends on Thursday with the General Meeting of the Vice President Kamala Harris are expected to officially accept their party’s nomination for president.

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By Bronte

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