In blue Broward, the Democrats dominate again. Here are the results

In Broward, Florida’s most conservative county, voters participated in a primary election on Tuesday that saw all Democrats running on all party-political ballots for local public offices.

Florida Politics reported on some of the elections in which voters participated, including a Republican primary for Florida’s 23rd Congressional District that nonprofit Joe Kaufman clearly won.

He will run against a Democratic US representative. Jared Moskowitz in November.

Former Broward Commissioner Barbara Sharief developed victorious from a three-candidate Democratic primary for Senate District 35 after spending just under $547,000. After spending $1.2 million over the past four years — mostly her own money — to win the 35th District seat, she is now closer than ever to that goal, with only a single, underfunded GOP opponent waiting in the wings.

Mayor of Oakland Park Mitch Rosenwaldhas now cancelled the parliamentary elections altogether after eliminate three opponents in a Democratic primary in the 98th House District. No Republican qualified for the race, so the seat went to this state representative. Patricia Hawkins-Williams will go soon, belongs to him.

Many other races ended with different outcomes last night. Let’s take a look.


In a Republican race for the right to challenge Democratic U.S. Representative Frederica Wilson in Florida’s 24th Congressional District, Jesus Gabriel Navarro hit Patti Gonzalez to secure a place on the November 5 ballot.

Navarro outperformed Gonzalez by 14 percentage points (9,581 votes) in Miami-Dade, where most of CD 24 lies. In Broward, the two candidates were separated by just 65 votes, but that was enough to give Navarro a 12-point lead overall.

Democratic US Representative. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz blew away her only primary challenger, Jen Perelmanout of the water with 83% of 43,780 votes. She will face a retired FBI agent Chris Eddythe small business owner suggested Bryan Leib in a Republican primary, 65-35%.


Democratic state representative. Daniel Campbell won a second term representing the 99th House District after defeating a single challenger in the primary, a nonprofit executive Joshauwa Brown74-26%.


Brenda Forman won a third term as Broward Clerk without help from the local branch of her political party. Voter Handbook She was not included among the Broward Democratic Party’s candidates nominated prior to the primary election.

Instead, the party recommended that voters support their challenger in the primaries. Karl-Heinzwho joined Annette Daniels in the defeat against the incumbent on Tuesday.

Forman received 45% of the vote, Hall 39% and Daniels 16%. No Republicans ran.

Tax collector

Broward voters elected their first tax collector on Tuesday, a position whose duties have long been performed by county employees but which is appointed by an elected official under a State referendum 2018.

They chose Ajayi Abbeywho has worked in the county tax office for nearly a decade and currently serves as operations manager.

She defeated Dwight Forrest And Perry Thurston with 35% of the vote. Forrest and Thurston each received 32.5%, with only 32 votes separating them.

Since only Democrats ran, the election campaign ended with Ajayi’s victory on Tuesday.

Election Officer

There was hardly any competition between the incumbent election officer Joe Scott and his only challenger in the Democratic primaries, Russell Bathulia.

86 percent of the 171,274 voters chose Scott, who won the office four years ago.

School Board

For two members of the Broward School Board appointed by the Governor. Ron DeSantisOn Tuesday there was a real bloodbath. Both teams lost significantly.

In District 1, Republican Daniel Foganholi Place last behind Chris Canter and the winner, a Democratic lawyer Maura Bulmanwho received 51% of the vote. Foganholi, whom DeSantis rely on the board in December 2022, received 20%.

Appointment as school board member Torey Alstonanother Republican appointed by DeSantis is 32 points behind the Democratic social worker Rebecca Thompson in a neck-and-neck race for the District 2 seat.

Member of District 3 Sara Leonardi won re-election with 70% of the vote. Member of the 5th District Jeff Holness and member of Seat 9 Debbie Hixon did the same with 76% and 71% of the vote respectively.

The school board is technically a nonprofit, as are its election campaigns.


The results of Tuesday’s election have not yet been officially confirmed. This will happen next week.

Broward voters demanded in this primary one third of the number of postal votes as in the 2020 election. Compared to four years ago, the district also saw a decline in early voting turnout of about 40%.

On Tuesday, 195,126 of Broward’s 1.1 million voters (17.5%) cast their ballots in the primary election. In 2020, the number was 317,160 of 1.2 million voters (26%).

In 2016, 188,217 of 1.1 million voters (16.5%) voted by mail or in person. In 2012, 117,604 of 1.1 million Broward voters (10.7%) participated.

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By Bronte

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