Kamala Harris, the chameleon, shows her true face

After hiding from the media for nearly a month, Kamala finally emerged and gave us a glimpse of her true self. Keep in mind that the policies she wants to implement are intended to fix the problems the Biden-Harris administration has created over the past three and a half years. If anything, her proposals would only exacerbate the poor policy decisions it has already made.

Let’s look at some of them. Kamala proposes that the government build three million homes. She does not say who will be allowed to live in those homes or how they will be paid for. I think we already know that the cost will be passed on to the country’s hard-working taxpayers. For first-time buyers, she proposes that the government give them $25,000 as a down payment. She studiously neglects to mention the real reason homes are unaffordable – interest rates – which are more than double what they were during Trump’s time. She has not given any thought to where the money will come from. If this proposal were implemented, home prices would only rise further as sellers would simply have to add $25,000 to the asking price of their homes.

Kamala also wants to implement government-imposed price controls. She claims the private sector is responsible for “price gouging.” Businesses don’t just all get together and arbitrarily decide to raise prices on the consumer. Those that have raised their prices have only done so to survive the runaway inflation she has caused. These problems have all been caused by the nonstop printing of money and the government spending money like a drunken sailor. People must be free to stimulate the economy through voluntary transactions and not held hostage by government price controls. Price controls have never worked and will never work.

Kamala also wants to pay off everyone’s medical debt. But again, where will the money come from? She is already providing free healthcare to over 10 million illegal immigrants at taxpayer expense. That’s just not sustainable. The dollar has been severely devalued during her tenure as Vice President, and she doesn’t care. Kamala cast the deciding vote for the trillion-dollar Inflation Control Act. How has that affected us?

Kamala’s father is an avowed Marxist and taught economics at Stanford. I suspect that’s how she got her Marxist ideology. Her agenda, if implemented, is nothing less than a socialist crackdown. Socialism doesn’t work. Ask anyone who fled Cuba to come to the United States. Why do you think Venezuelans are pouring across our open border? You don’t see anyone from America moving to Venezuela. Margaret Thatcher once said, “The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

We simply cannot afford another four years (or maybe even eight) of this crazy ideology and incompetence. We have not heard from Kamala for the last three and a half years. She only had one job, she was the “border guard,” and she failed miserably at it. Now the media is trying to make her look like Mother Teresa. The American people see right through it and don’t believe it.

Andy Fischer lives in Springfield.

By Bronte

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