Leighty’s NXT Level Up review 8.16.24

Note: I had started this review as usual on Friday during the live broadcast, but something went wrong and all I saw on Peacock were a few commercials. So we get the Hulu version that comes out every Sunday morning.

-Rest in peace, Afa! I’ve been trying to find something to review, but unfortunately there isn’t much to choose from on Peacock. I wanted to see if his match against Backlund for the WWF title was anywhere, but I couldn’t find it. I’ll keep my eyes peeled and see if I can find something. The pro wrestling world hasn’t had it so good in weeks. Let’s get started!

-Announcer team: Blake Howard and Byron Saxton
-Taken at: WWE Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, FL

Mark Coffey vs Cutler James

-Lockup and Coffey with a shove to play some mind games. Side headlock from Coffey but he gets pushed away. James now with a side headlock and gets pushed away but runs Coffey over with his shoulder. James grabs an arm and works it over a bit while Coffey tries to find a counter. James dodges a clothesline and gets one of his own. He hits the Law Mower and drops Coffey on his face for a two count. He tries a suplex off the apron but Coffey counters by ripping his neck off the top rope. Nasty forearm to the face from Coffey! Looked great in slow motion too. Small series of punches from James but Coffey knocks him down again. Coffey misses a splash in the corner but James runs into an elbow. Coffey off the middle ropes with a shoulder tackle for two. Modified Cobra Clutch by Coffey, but James escapes pretty easily. James with a whip into the corner, but gets caught by a boot. Coffey misses a crossbody off the middle ropes. James lands a back elbow and then another. Running shoulder in the corner, followed by a clothesline. Now he gets the suplex back in from the apron and gets two. Shell Shock gets two! The suplex is countered into a small package, but James counters into his own for two. Coffey lands a kick to the face and The Bull Hammer finishes at 6:52.

Winner: Mark Coffey by pin at 6:52
-That was pretty solid since they gave them some time (for that show) and they went at each other hard. I’m fascinated by James and would like to see him in the ring more. I liked that! **3/4

-Izzi Dame and Adrianna Rizzo had an argument on Tik-Tok and this is our main event for tonight.

-Hulu commercials!

-Video package of Judgment Day exploding at SummerSlam and the aftermath on RAW.

– Since this is the Hulu version, we need some RAW filler to stretch out the run time. I was hoping it would be Breakker vs. Zayn but instead it’s “The Judgment Day” segment which leads to a brawl between Rhea/Liv and Dom/Priest in the audience and then Priest vs. Carlito. Priest wins and then we see the Judgment Day attack. Rhea tries to save Liv after chasing her and Finn almost gets caught by Priest but JD catches the bullet. The Terror Twins stand tall but we’re not done yet as Dom tries to attack Priest and gets caught. Rhea almost gets a Rip Tide but Liv saves her this time. The crowd loves everything about it and this mixed tag is going to be awesome.

-Judgment Day video package.

-Hulu commercials!

-Cutler James gets a promo backstage when asked about his loss, promising that he will always get back up.

Adrianna Rizzo vs. Izzi Dame

– There are two match shows this week as these matches were taped weeks ago since the Great American Bash ropes are still up, so that makes sense. I guess we’ll get “fresher” taped matches next week. Rizzo grabs an arm and briefly attacks it. Dame tries to break away, but Rizzo maintains arm control. Rizzo picks up the pace, and it costs her as Dame gets a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Dame carries her across the ring and gets another backbreaker. Dame sends Rizzo into the corner and takes her down. She switches her target and bends Rizzo’s knee around the post. I understand Rizzo is coming back because of a knee injury, but Dame started working on the back first and I thought she was going to bend the back around the post. Dame with an over-the-shoulder backbreaker, but Dame gets a Code Breaker to the arm. Dame focuses on a body part. Suplex by Rizzo and a kip-up. Running Superman Forearm in the corner. Dame goes for the hair and gets a running TKO. Both women are down and Dame charges in and hits a roll-up for two. A Taste of Rizzoto ends at 4:50.

Winner: Adrianna Rizzo by pin at 4:50

-That was okay because I like both women. It’s nice to see Dame using her power and Rizzo is good at being a hothead from below. The crowd likes Rizzo a lot too so they were excited. **

-Thanks for reading!

By Bronte

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