Letter: Support the reforms in the Blue

From Lacey Jane Brewster

Updated: 2 hours ago Published: 2 hours ago

Support police reformsThe Anchorage Police Department’s mission is to “protect and support our community in the most professional and compassionate manner possible.” Still, the president of the APD police union said he was “dismayed” that the Anchorage mayor is calling for reforms at a police department that has killed four civilians in the past three months.

Seeking reform does not necessarily mean condemning the individual police officers responsible for the tragic loss of life our community has experienced. It simply means acknowledging that the current police state is not working and seeking answers on how to fix a broken system.

It is unfortunate that the APD union appears to be resistant to reforms when it is clear that the police department is not living up to its own mission statement. The reforms proposed by Mayor Suzanne LaFrance are entirely justified and reflect a community that does not feel safe calling on its guards in times of need.

APD should welcome the opportunity to work transparently with the mayor rather than hiding behind a union representative who opposes changes necessary for the safety of all who call Anchorage home.

— Lacey Jane Brewster, Esq.


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By Bronte

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