MaineCF is accepting applications for fall fellowship programs

The Maine Community Foundation is accepting applications for its fall grant programs. According to a press release, the application deadline for each of the following grant programs is Monday, Sept. 16. To apply, visit

The Equity funds The mission is to strengthen lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) organizations in Maine and support community-based initiatives.

The Fund will give preference to proposals that improve access to health care, reduce racial inequities, violence and/or harassment, and promote respect and understanding. Individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ must be involved in a leadership position in the organization or project and/or be involved in the design, delivery and evaluation of services and be the majority of intended recipients of services. For more information, visit

Investing in leaders of color supports nonprofit leaders of color and their organizations. The program offers one-on-one coaching, a stipend for professional development and operating expenses, and networking opportunities.

This program is designed to provide grants to people of color in leadership positions at nonprofit organizations that serve communities of color and promote racial equity in the state of Maine.

To receive a grant, applicant organizations must be committed to communities of color and promote racial equity. The leader must be a person of color in a Maine nonprofit and available for coaching and professional development within one year. For more information, visit

The Maine Charity Foundation Fund provides general operational and project support to organizations and projects that provide transportation and/or essential services to underserved people in Maine who have limited or no access to transportation. For more information, visit

Maine Expansion Arts supports arts organizations and arts-based programs in Maine that serve rural communities and/or Black, Indigenous, and other people of color, particularly in areas with limited access to the arts.

The program offers two distinct focuses: one for organizations serving rural communities and one for organizations led by and/or serving Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). For more information, visit

The Land protection in Maine The grant program provides grants for land acquisition or land conservation projects that build a strong connection between the people of the Maine/Wabanaki area and their land and water.

The proposed project must create or improve permanent access to land and water, particularly for marginalized and historically excluded populations. These include people with low incomes, disabilities, mental illness, or limited English proficiency; Black, Indigenous, and other people of color; immigrants and/or refugees; people who identify as LGBTQ+; and communities with limited opportunities for conservation. For more information, visit

The Maine Theatre Fund provides capacity building, general operational and project support to nonprofit professional and community theaters in the production and presentation of live theater. Priority will be given to adult theater, drama, and organizations that have not received multiple grants in recent years. For more information, visit

The Maine Community Foundation brings people and resources together to build a better Maine through strategic giving, community leadership, personalized service, local expertise, and strong investments. For more information, visit

By Bronte

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