Malika Andrews handles the LA earthquake like a pro: VIDEO

Even the nicest, most personable person you know can do something they later regret, and that’s okay.

Sometimes we all need a justified release to avoid being put in the nuthouse.

I’m curious to hear from strangers on the Internet who have ever gone crazy, Redditor DarkWingDucksGhost asked:

“What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?”

These Reddit users acted accordingly after their livelihoods were threatened.

Playing with the wrong guy

“I got robbed in Barcelona and then it suddenly clicked in my brain. On the way out of the airport I was bumped into by a guy and about ten seconds later I realized my wallet was gone.”

“I had been flying for hours and had gone through airport security twice. I had run out of patience for the day. I freaked out and started running. I saw the guy, tackled him, threw him against a wall and told him to give me back my wallet.”

“My friends who were with me thought I had lost my mind until I started searching through the guys’ pockets and found my wallet. By this point, there were three other guys there yelling at me in Spanish and we were only a short distance from the airport entrance.”

“At this point, one of the screaming guys rips out his ID, which looks like a police ID that’s been through the washing machine 20 times.”

“I don’t believe it because the guy doesn’t speak a word of English and his ID is illegible. He grabs my collar and I grab him and I decide:F’I know there are real cops at the airport, so I drag the guy there and when we get to the revolving door, there’s me, the thief, my two friends, and the three screaming guys. And now I see that each of the screaming guys has a gun under his jacket.”

“So I start screaming. Airport cops show up and it turns out the three screaming guys were running an undercover operation to catch this pickpocket who had been evading them for months. I had to spend 8 hours filing a report and then months later call in as a witness via Skype.”

“I was there for two days to see the play ‘At the Drive’…”

– Minecraft finn

Nothing to lose

“Not me, but my son. He was traveling around Europe on the cheap after studying in Germany for a summer. He arrived in Rome around midnight and was walking to the hostel when a guy pulled out a knife and stole his phone, wallet and passport. My son was scared to death and gave up everything.”

“The thief turned around and calmly walked away. My son quickly realized he had nothing and ran after the thief and jumped on his back. The thief’s head hit the pavement and he was unconscious…”

“My son grabbed his things back and ran away.”

– jetpack324

Some hasty decisions are bad, others not so bad.

RIP printer

“Threw a printer from the roof of a hospital into a dumpster. Highlight of my IT career.”

– Lonely

Dissatisfied thief

“I was a teenager at the time, so that was over forty years ago. I broke into a private school’s computer lab via the second floor fire escape and stole an Apple IIe (c?).”

“A week later, I got fed up with it, broke through the same window and returned it.”

– HornetParticular6625


“I’m a pretty boring person, but when I was looking for a college, I couldn’t find one I liked. So I took the college guide my mom got me (it was 1999), closed my eyes, opened it to a random page, pointed my finger at a school, and went there.”

– Gracie’sMomGoingOn83

King of Beer

“When I turned 21, I went to a casino in Seattle and gambled for the first time. I played for about three hours and wasted about $500. My last bet was successful and I won $7,000 on a triple diamond game.”

“Woke up the next day, went to the airport and asked for the next earliest flight. I booked a flight to Puerto Rico with no plans for where I would stay or what I would do, just the clothes I was wearing.”

“When I landed, I took a taxi to a local Wal-Mart-like store, bought a tent and a backpack, took the shopping cart and went to the beach near this little place called Luquillo.”

“I lived in a tent on that beach for two months…like I was homeless…I filled my cart with Medalla beer every day and just pushed it around with a blanket that was given to me…I ate the local pastelon…mofongo…fried goodies and fresh fruit every day…and just laughed.woke up ..”

“I learned about many locals and traditions, including Noche De San Juan Bautista. The locals called me ‘Rey De La Cerveza.’ which means King of Beer…I hitchhiked all over Puerto Rico and always returned to Luquillo at night…it was the best time I’ve ever spent traveling…and the most humbling thing I’ve learned from it.”

“Yes.. I asked if I could use the cart and yes, I did return the cart.”

– Hot-Resident8537

Methodical action

“When I was in 5th grade, my class played a game where you wore a certain hat and had to act like a certain type of student (e.g. model student, bully, etc.). This taught us a little bit about how to behave properly in school, but it also taught us something about acting in general.”

“When it was my turn, I took things a little too literally. I got the bully hat. I walked out of the classroom, went back in, slammed the door behind me so hard that the whole class audibly gasped in shock, and finally punched one of my classmates in the face for dramatic effect.”

“The whole class laughed their heads off, including the teacher. She finally told me to ‘start over again and try to act a little less nervous and tense next time.'” “.

“Teachers these days can’t spot a talent for theater even when it’s staring them in the face (no pun intended).”

– L Lancee

Never mess with a loved one.

Blow it off

“Incredibly immature, but thankfully it was over 10 years ago. My boyfriend at the time cheated on me with someone else. He wanted me to forgive him, so I told him I would forgive him if he called her on speaker phone and told her he didn’t love her.”

“He did it, then I broke up with him 💁♀️”

– the grape whisperer

The craziest thing I’ve ever done had less to do with spontaneity and more to do with intention.

I jumped out of a plane. In tandem, of course.

For someone like me who hated sports as a kid because I was afraid of the ball – any ball – this was a big deal.

Would I ever go skydiving again? Not in this lifetime.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

By Bronte

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