Passenger with bleeding head after hair transplant refuses to leave American Airlines flight

A passenger on an American Airlines domestic flight in Miami, USA, was removed from the plane for a rather unusual reason. He had just undergone a hair transplant, but shortly before the flight his head began to bleed heavily. The crew were concerned about his condition and asked him to leave the plane. However, he refused, prompting police intervention.

Eugenio Ernesto Hernandez-Garnier (27) had probably not expected such serious complications during his hair transplant. He did not have enough bandages to stop the bleeding, local media reported. Nevertheless, he was determined to fly from Miami to Las Vegas.

His travel companion Yusleydis Blanca Loyola (32) was equally determined.”If we can’t fly, no one can”, she allegedly yelled at the flight attendants. She even streamed the entire argument live on TikTok.

The crew considered it too risky to allow Hernandez-Garnier on board. Eventually, the police had to be called to arrest the man and his companion. They were led off the plane in handcuffs.

By Bronte

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