Patients are turning to cannabis to treat the chronic skin disease hidradenitis suppurativa

Vancouver, Canada: Patients with the skin disease hidradenitis suppurativa (HS, also known as acne inversa) frequently consume cannabis products and report an improvement in their quality of life. This is the result of a literature review published in Journal of Dermatology and Surgery. HS is a chronic skin disease characterized by the recurrent formation of small, painful nodules under the skin, typically in the armpits and groin area.

Researchers at the University of British Columbia and the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota reviewed data from six studies involving a total of 34,435 patients.

They reported: “The results show higher cannabis use in HS patients and demonstrate efficacy in pain management, sleep, relief of anxiety and pruritus, and improvement in quality of life.”

The study authors concluded: “Cannabis may play a role in analgesia, improved quality of life, pain, pruritus, and overall mental health in patients with HS, and healthcare providers, including dermatologists, should be more knowledgeable about the appropriate use of cannabis products. … Efforts to reduce the stigma of using cannabis products for medicinal purposes, as well as education and open discussions with patients about the dangers of illicit substances, are highly recommended.”

The full text of the study “Evaluation of cannabis-related product use among patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A narrative review” appears in Journal of Dermatology and Surgery.

By Bronte

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