Power Rangers confirms that two unexpected fan-favorite heroes are officially a couple


  • Fan favorite
    Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
    The characters Rocky and Adam were confirmed as the Power Rangers power couple in the finale of the Boom! Studios comic series – a long-awaited moment that puts their long-standing friendship into new context.
  • The evolution of Rocky and Adam’s dynamic from close friends to romantic partners brings important LGBTQ+ representation to the
    Power Rangers
  • The subtle hints of their relationship in previous issues of the series culminate in a heartwarming moment in
    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour

Warning: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #1!A duo from the 1990s Power Rangers Team were revealed as a couple. Rocky DeSantos and Adam Park – the second Red and Black Rangers – were established as a romantic couple in the series finale of the long-running Boom! Studios series. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Comic book sequel that offers fans of the franchise a new iconic power couple.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Houser #1 – written by Melissa Flores, with art by Simona di Gianfelice – contained the confirmation of the relationship between Adam and Rocky. In this issue, the Pink and White Rangers Kimberly Hart and Tommy Oliver, after rekindling their iconic romance, kiss one last time before heading into the final battle, while Rocky and Adam watch through the window, holding hands.

Power Rangers Rocky and Adam hold hands and watch from a distance as Kimberly and Tommy share a dramatic kiss.

As surprising as this connection may seem to some, their romance may have always been subtly hinted at.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #1 is the finale the franchise always deserved (Review)

The BOOM! Studios era of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is coming to an end, but that’s no reason to cry – after 8 years, it’s a moment of joy.

Fan-favorite characters ROCKY and ADAM are officially a Rangers power couple

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #1 – Written by Melissa Flores; Art by Simona Di Gianfelice, Raúl Angulo, Jose Enrique Fernandez and Ed Dukeshire

The depiction of the couple holding hands in
Darkest hour
#1 confirms what has been hinted at for some time.

In the original Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers In the television series, Rocky and Adam were always portrayed as close friends who moved from Stone Canyon to Angel Grove together for the Team Ninja Competition and later simultaneously replaced the original Power Rangers Jason and Zack on the team. They continued to be frequently paired together on-screen and in Boom! Studios’ subsequent comic book series that redefined history. it seems as if there have been repeated subtle hints that the two are more than just friends and teammates.

Red T-Rex and black Mastodon helmets for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

In the lead-up to the end of the comic series, both were kidnapped by Dark Specter and shared a cell before being brainwashed and incorporated into Dark Specter’s zombie army. When Aisha broke her spell, it looked like the two Rangers were reaching for each other’s hands. Another detail that could have easily been missed was when the Rangers checked on Rocky while he was suffering from PTSD; afterward, everyone except Adam left Rocky’s house. The depiction of the couple holding hands in Darkest hour #1 confirms what has been hinted at for some time.

As unexpected as it may be for some that Rocky and Adam’s relationship becomes canon to the franchise, it is a welcome addition to the franchise and a great evolution of their long-standing dynamic.

The romance between Adam and Rocky is the perfect development of their character dynamic

Important representation for the franchise

Power Rangers Billy Cranston, Adam Park and Tommy Oliver try to comfort Red Ranger Rocky DeSantos during his PTSD episode


How Power Rangers Can Fix Its Biggest LGBTQ+ Mistake

Nearly three decades later, the Power Rangers must confront their past mistakes and continue to promote representation for the LGBTQ+ community.

As unexpected as it may be for some to see Rocky and Adam’s relationship become canon to the franchise, it is a welcome addition to the franchise and a great evolution of their long-standing dynamic. Notably, even fans have previously “paired” the two online, making this a realization of long-standing potential. The portrayal, especially through the use of two prominent characters, is for Power Rangers. Although it is not the first LGBTQ+ couple in Power Rangers History – this honor belongs Dino/Cosmic Rage Fern and Izzy – certainly The more visibility the franchise has, the stronger it becomes.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour

#1 is available now from BOOM! Studios.

By Bronte

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