Reflections and results from our Fellows’ strategy review

Promoting the Fellows and their areas of expertise

While creativity continues to be the guiding star in the selection process, what the award enables recipients to do is equally important. In this regard, we seek to increase the likelihood of what is possible for individuals – in the work they envision, the work that is yet to be planned, and the work that is yet to come.

We want to support individuals who would benefit from additional financial support or the visibility of this award over those who are otherwise financially well-off or already prominent in their primary area of ​​work. We have heard from our Fellows that the Fellowship creates meaningful change professionally and personally, and provides the conditions and freedom to take risks, advance their vision, support their communities, and advance their fields. It is encouraging to hear that we are “making the possible more likely.”

It is encouraging to hear that we are “making the possible more likely.”

Because the fellowship is not a discipline-specific award that focuses narrowly on achievements within a discipline, other metrics are important. For example, the transformative potential of completed large-scale projects, the impact one has on a field or community, the confidence to pivot in one’s work, the willingness to push boundaries – all of these are scenarios we wanted to better understand during this learning exercise.

We are pleased that the interdisciplinarity in each course sometimes inspires and enables bold new collaborations among Fellows. In many cases, Fellows have taken advantage of the diversity of disciplines within the Fellowship community, bringing together perspectives from different disciplines on a common theme during public programs. In one case, a biologist collaborated with a choreographer on a performance that combined elements of dance and theater with scientific dialogue, creating a unique experience. We know that contact with people outside one’s field can enrich research and creative projects in subtle ways.

Beyond the award: building connections and our duty of care

We have heard from Fellows that they are inspired when they meet with other Fellows in small groups or at larger gatherings of all Fellows, and we now have institutional support at the highest levels of the Foundation to enable Fellows to do this on a regular basis. We will continue to invest in ways for Fellows to connect with each other both formally and informally. This connection is another valuable benefit of the award.

We’ve heard from our Fellows that they enjoy reaching new audiences and appreciate additional support in doing so. In response, we’re now offering small grants for high-profile activities and projects that reach a broad audience.

Finally, we again recognize our “duty of care” and support our Fellows in managing their Fellowship responsibilities. For example, the Fellows’ announcement is a spectacle that sometimes adds extra stress to Fellows’ already busy lives. The unforeseen consequences of a highly prestigious award can be unexpectedly stressful if not managed consciously.

Looking to the future, our responsibility to support our Fellows beyond mere financial compensation is clear and we must assume it.

We will continue to invest in opportunities for Fellows to connect with one another.

Finally, we will continue to engage in comprehensive program evaluations and reflections, drawing on feedback from our community, and will strive to stay current and continue to focus on our relationships with Fellows.

By Bronte

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