Review: Tales From Toyotoki lets you cheer along with the children

When you meet certain people, even virtually, you may hope for the best for them too. Maybe it’s because of who they are. Maybe it’s because of what they’re going through. Tales of Toyotoki: Arrival of the Witch is one of those games, partly because the personalities and situations of the main characters Hikaru Nishime and Lilun give you hope that they will achieve their goals and succeed.

Hikaru is an orphan. His aunt and her family took him in after his parents died. But when he was supposed to go to high school, he is instead shipped off to a small island with less than 1,000 inhabitants to live with a grandfather he barely knows. Worse, when he gets there, he finds that said grandfather has disappeared. He has fled to another continent, and Hikaru’s aunt hasn’t even signed him up for classes at the new high school. After having to sleep his first night in a sugar cane field, he meets a mysterious young woman who also came to Toyotoki Island, is also all alone, and has also been abused in the past. The two end up working together to cope, finding new places for themselves and ways to achieve their goals in the process. This also leads to them meeting and growing closer to other residents of the island as they too grow as individuals.

Review: Tales From Toyotoki lets you cheer along with the children
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The first thing you should know if you Stories from Toyotoki is that this is a kinetic novel and not the kind of visual novel where you make choices. Yes, there will come a point where Akari Akatsumi makes it seem like you have a choice in which path you take or what you do. You don’t, so if you’re looking for the ability to influence the outcome or have a little more interaction, you won’t find it here.

However, that doesn’t mean you should give up or overlook Stories from Toyotoki. This is one situation where that focus benefits the story. The official descriptions refer to it being a coming-of-age story and a story of self-discovery, and the linear nature means Fragaria can really focus entirely on that element. There are no distractions. We 100% see our main characters and other characters grow as people.

I particularly liked that while everyone gets some time in the spotlight and develops, Hikaru and Lilun really get the most attention. The mystery of Lilun’s background is handled well and I appreciated that there wasn’t too much of a push for immediate answers and revelations. Likewise, I liked that things are never easily clear or immediately resolved for Hikaru. Even when he makes some progress, he never gets an easy answer or immediate redemption.

The way the two interact with each other is also an important part of the story. Hikaru and Lilun each have their own areas of expertise. They wouldn’t get very far alone. But we constantly see the two of them working together to help each other, make progress, and get closer to the things they need to do to grow as individuals or fulfill their desires.

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Stories from ToyotokiThe art direction and dubbing also help to “sell” the premise. We experience life on a small island because we see things from Hikaru’s perspective. The art direction and character design are also quite picturesque. It feels rustic and homey. The dubbing is good as well, with a cast that does the situation well. Especially when it comes to Lilun and Akari. I noticed a few lines that are awkwardly worded. (For example, one of the first lines is “The person I was supposed to live with was nowhere to be seen.”) But these cases are rare and don’t detract from the overall experience.

Tales from Toyotoki: Arrival of the Witch seems designed to keep you enthralled by the events of Hikaru and Lilun’s lives as they deal with the odds stacked against them. Every victory for them is one for the reader as well. It takes its time to show how these young people develop and find their place, and it’s great when we see them succeed.

Tales from Toyotoki: Arrival of the Witch is available on the Nintendo SwitchPS5 and PC.


Tales from Toyotoki: Arrival of the Witch

Hikaru is unlucky and homeless on an unfamiliar island. While avoiding pit vipers and angry members of the governing committee, he encounters a witch in a very similar situation. The two set out to survive and hopefully thrive on Toyotoki, the uncompromising island secluded from the modern world, steeped in ancient traditions and shrouded in mystery. Switch version reviewed. Review copy provided by the company for review purposes.

“Tales from Toyotoki” seems designed to captivate the reader with the events in the lives of Hikaru and Lilun as they deal with numerous trials.

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By Bronte

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