Roosevelt Islander Online: 08/18/24 – 08/25/24

Roosevelt Islander Online: 08/18/24 – 08/25/24

The Roosevelt Island RIVAA Gallery in the Octagon building (888 Main Street) is currently exhibiting the paintings of artist and Roosevelt Island resident TonyVita. According to the RIVAA Gallery:

Digital painting by Tony Vita

Discover the beautifully surreal, unique and slightly disturbing digital paintings that make up the world of Tony Vita’s latest exhibition, Strange Terrain.

You can immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Strange Terrain at the Octagon any time from July 1 to September 27, 2024. You’ll be glad you made the trip.

Here are some scenes from the opening ceremony of Tony Vita’s exhibition “Strange Terrain” on July 12th at the Octagon Gallery of the RIVAA.

Roosevelt Island-based artist and Gallery RIVAA member Laura Hussey recently interviewed Mr. Vita in this question-and-answer format about his exhibition “Strange Terrain.”

Q – Tony. You currently have an exhibition at the Octagon called “Strange Terrain”. Why did you choose that title?

A – Most of the pieces in the exhibition suggest, at first glance, places that seem familiar and real, but are in reality alien and dreamlike.

Q: Did you come up with the title first or did you create the work and then come up with a title?

A – Titles are the last thing I think about. If it were up to me, everything I’ve ever done would be titled “Untitled 1 – Untitled 2” etc. I don’t think in words.

Q: Where did you get the ideas for the works in this exhibition?

A – I almost never plan my pieces. I start with an idea or an image that I have in my head, sit down at the computer or in the sketchbook and play. Sometimes in the process of working something takes shape that I hadn’t thought of and I go down the rabbit hole. You have to trust your instincts.

Q – The works on the lower and upper levels appear as two different visual entities. What connects them so that both are considered “foreign terrain”?

A – I like to imagine that these pieces represent some of the inhabitants of the strange compound. The fact that they were in a separate room allowed me to display pieces that had a lighter spirit. I thought that children would enjoy the strange menagerie.

Q – All artwork is digital. What programs did you use to create the pieces in the exhibition?

A – Adobe Photoshop is at the top of the list. It is essential for any artist working with digital media. I have only recently started using AI in the process. I use Adobe Firefly for this, but I am also exploring other software such as Luma, an AI animation program.

Q: Why did you choose these programs?

A – Trial and error. Is the software compatible with my goal? Does it offer creative flexibility? Can I afford it? How long did it take to create each piece?

I work very quickly. A piece may take an hour or two, but the refinement can take weeks.

Take a stroll to the RIVAA Octagon Gallery at 888 Main Street to view Tony Vita’s exhibition “Strange Terrain” through September 27, 2024.

By Bronte

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