Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 8/23/24

Hello, my friends! Lee Sanders is back with you all as AEW ALL IN weekend is upon us! First up is a new edition of AEW Rampage. Tonight’s Rampage card includes the following:

* Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii vs. Brian Cage, Johnny TV and The Beast Mortos

* The Von Erichs against the Outrunners

* Iron Savages vs Gates of Torment

* Robyn Renegade vs Mina Shirakawa

* Roderick Strong vs Fuego del Sol

Speaking of ALL IN, I offered previews and predictions for the PPV event as well as thoughts on this week’s Dynamite. Check out Episode 1109 of THE RCWR SHOW in the video below where it all gets covered and be sure to subscribe to the channel as I’ll be tackling the aftermath of ALL IN in a special post-show.

Venue: eSports Stadium
City: Arlington, TX.
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone

Reilly and Johnny open things up before Ishii is tagged in for a double action. Cage tries to tag in as he gets a double shoulder tackle. Mortos tags in and gets stalemated several times on shoulder tackle attempts with Ishii. Cage and Briscoe are tagged in. Cage lands a quick clothesline. Reilly comes in with a blind tag to knock Cage down and follows up with some kicks. Cage lands a spinning back slam before Johnny TV is tagged in. Forearm strike from Johnny as Mortos tags in for a cover attempt. Pin attempt succeeds after Johnny TV moonsaults off the ropes on Reilly. Cage is back in the ring and sends Reilly into the corner with a strong whip. Back from commercial as Johnny TV tries to hit Ishii but Ishii doesn’t let up and gets the hot tag. Mortos is tagged in as Ishii lands some chops and forearm strikes. A vertical suplex follows as Ishii takes Cage to the floor. Mortos hits a shoulder thrust for a near win. Briscoe comes in with chops and forearms to Cage, Mortos and Johnny. Cage hits a flatliner when Reilly cuts him off. Everyone hits each other with their own punches. Briscoe sets up a chair and is about to jump when Taya Valkyrie snatches it away from him. Everyone crashes between the ropes and over each other. Briscoe goes up top as Johnny TV tries to stop him. Reilly hits Johnny with a submission move for the win.

Winner: Team Briscoe (11 minutes)
A bit overbooked in many areas, but overall a decent match!

Strong comes out with kicks and stomps followed by some hard chops. Roderick follows with a clothesline and a backbreaker. A back body suplex follows as Fuego seems outmatched early on here. Cover attempted as Fuego kicks out. Strong lands a jumping knee to the face. Fuego with a pin attempt out of nowhere as Strong kicks out. Fuego lands a couple of thrust kicks as Strong stops him on the top rope. Strong hits a backbreaker and follows with double knees to the back for the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong (3 minutes)
Not a good or bad match, but a one-man contest to kick the opponents’ asses. Nothing to see here other than the great offense from Strong!

Damn, is that Mina attractive! Lockup goes to the ropes as Robyn lunges and misses. Mina with a leg sweep and a Russian leg sweep. Mina follows by slamming Robyn’s knee into the mat. Mina with a cover attempt after landing a kick off the ropes. Robyn with a running knee strike and we sadly go into a series of commercials. Boo! We’re back as Robyn lands a knee lift and a punch to the head for a near win. Mina lands a dragon screw and attempts the figure-four as Robyn reaches the bottom rope to break free. Robyn lands a running lariat as Mina comes back with a rollup and a figure-four leg lock for the win.

Winner: Mina (7 minutes)
Neat stuff. I love this, Mina!

Shida is interviewed backstage, frustrated with how she came up short during ALL IN weekend, and promises to remind people why she thinks she’s the ace of AEW!

Let me sum up this match: clothesline, clothesline, clothesline, short clothesline, short clothesline, back body drop, knee to the face, and double team finisher.

Winner: Gates of Torment (2 minutes)
I love this Gates of Agony, but we can do so much more with it. Come on, Tony Khan and crew. Stop sleeping on this tag team!

Ross and Marshall Von Erichs! This should be a fun tag match. Such a nice 80’s atmosphere. Ross strikes. Nice dropkick to Magnum before Turbo gets hit. Marshall gets hit while landing a couple suplexes. Von Erichs lands a couple dropkicks to both opponents before we go to our final commercial break. We’re back as the Outrunners isolate Ross. Turbo Flyod tries a suplex but Ross counters it and it’s a near win. Floyd lands a headbutt while Ross dropkicks his brother Marshall! Marshall with a couple right hooks to Turbo. A couple clotheslines to both men from Marshall. A cannonball from Marshall soon follows as well as a back moonsault to Turbo. Truth tries from behind but Ross stops him as Marshall hits Turbo with the iron claw for the win.

Winner: By Erichs (10 minutes)
Fun retro style of a tag match. I love these outrunners. They have the right looks and gimmicks. They just need to string together some wins and get involved in some big feuds. These moves would help them move up as you can see the potential in these guys, similar to Gates of Agony.

At the end of this episode, Conglomeration, Gates of Agony, Kingdom, Sammy Guevara and Brian Cage come out and beat each other up.

End of the show

For more great conversations about wrestling and beyond, follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out at Enjoy the weekend everyone!

By Bronte

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