“She wants robots, we are humans”: Reddit user’s fiery resignation email sparks online debate | Trending

Workplaces can often become toxic when a manager or the person in charge of the team starts micromanaging and doesn’t treat employees well. Something similar happened to Reddit user “lurking_Strawb3rry,” who used to work as a housekeeper. The Reddit user shared her experience and reported the injustices she and her colleagues faced. In her post, she also shared a snapshot of her termination email, in which she told the manager what she thought.

Redditor explained her reasons for quitting the job, which now went viral. (Unsplash)
Redditor explained her reasons for quitting the job, which now went viral. (Unsplash)

In the email, she talked about quitting the job and not going to serve the notice period. She also mentioned her reasons and wrote that she is quitting mainly because of micromanagement, the lack of acceptance of new ideas by the higher management and the lack of safety equipment in the workplace. (Also read: Aunt refuses to give niece third plate of food, Reddit post sparks heated debate)

Sharing this post, she wrote in the caption, “I have never sent an employer an email like this before, but I am very hurt. This job was one of the best I’ve ever had, but my manager managed to suck the life out of me and I started to hate him with a passion. I was primarily a housekeeper and often didn’t get the materials I needed to do my job. We had several bed bug outbreaks, and my manager didn’t follow protocol and sent me to an infested room to clean anyway, just saying, ‘Disinfect really thoroughly, and when you get home, just put your clothes outside the door and put them in the laundry.'”

She added, “She was an extreme micromanager, but I didn’t want to go into every little detail as it was unnecessary. Several employees, including myself, had spoken to her personally about the cleaning supplies and the bed bug problem and nothing changed. Our best employees also quit over a month ago because she managed them poorly. She wants robots, but we are human. I started another job where I don’t have to worry about this anymore.” (Also read: Reddit user says ‘Delhi Airport is a joke’, posts that he is ‘ashamed to be Indian’)

Check out the posts here:

This post was shared a few days ago. Since its publication, it has received more than 3,400 upvotes. The post also has numerous comments. (Also read: ‘Is staying in India worse than settling abroad?’: 23-year-old IT engineer earns 1 lakh a month asks, people respond)

This is how people reacted:

One person wrote: “CC every company email address you can get your hands on. Otherwise your boss won’t even read the end of it.”

Another person said: “Make absolutely sure you copy management and anyone else you can, seriously.”

“I think you wrote an excellent resignation letter and if it makes your boss think even a little about the damage he is doing, then you have done a good thing,” posted another.

By Bronte

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