Taliban celebrate three years in power, but they don’t talk about Afghans

KABUL, Afghanistan — The Taliban celebrated the third anniversary of their return to power at a former US air base in Afghanistan on Wednesday, but there was no mention of the country’s plight or promise of hope for the suffering population.

Under blue skies and bright sunshine in Bagram – once the epicenter of the American war to oust the Taliban and hunt down the al-Qaeda perpetrators of the Sept. 11 attacks – members of the Taliban cabinet praised achievements such as strengthening Islamic law and building a military system that ensures “peace and security.”

The speeches were aimed at an international audience and called on the diaspora to return and the West to interact and cooperate with the country’s rulers.

“The Islamic Emirate has eliminated internal differences and expanded the framework for unity and cooperation in the country,” said Deputy Prime Minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir, using the term the Taliban use for their government. “No one is allowed to interfere in internal affairs and Afghan soil will not be used against any country.”

None of the four speakers spoke about the challenges Afghans face in their daily lives.

Decades of conflict and instability have brought millions of Afghans to the brink of hunger and starvation. Unemployment is high.

The Bagram parade was the Taliban’s largest and most provocative since they regained control of the country in August 2021.

Among the approximately 10,000 men were high-ranking Taliban officials such as the acting Defense Minister Mullah Yaqoob and the acting Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani. The supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada was not present at the parade. Women were not allowed to attend.

The Taliban said foreign diplomats also attended, but did not say who.

Aid organizations warn that humanitarian aid in the country is severely underfunded as economic collapse and climate change destroy many livelihoods.

They say that Afghans, especially women and girls, will suffer unless there is more diplomatic engagement with the Taliban. No country recognizes the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.

The parade was also an opportunity to showcase some of the military equipment left behind by U.S. and NATO-led forces after decades of war: helicopters, Humvees and tanks.

Uniformed soldiers marched with light and heavy machine guns, and a motorcycle formation carried the Taliban flag.

The Taliban have declared Wednesday a national holiday.

By Bronte

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