The 10 best mixed breed cats and dogs, ranking

Mixed breeds is a unique comic series about lovable cats, dogs and other animals that make the comic worth living. Creator Patrick McDonnell uses his strengths in the field of animation to show the audience why it is important to save animals and protect the environment. This passion motivates the fans to Mixed breeds Comics with pride.

With such an adorable cast of characters, it’s hard not to fall in love with each and every one of them. However, the cats and dogs of Mixed breeds certainly steals the show every time. McDonnell’s work focuses primarily on promoting the welfare of rescued animals, putting these pets in the spotlight in almost every comic.

10 Norman’s single appearance caught the attention of fans

Nobody can resist a cute bulldog

Norman, who appears once in the series “MUTTS,” gets meat because he is a cute puppy.

The Mixed breeds Comic strips feature many adorable animals, some of which don’t appear often. One of the most notable pups to fans was Norman, a cute bulldog who got some meat at the butcher shop before Earl and Mooch. What made him more noticeable to readers, among other things, was the changing art style, which provided a close-up of Norman and demonstrated the different art styles McDonnell used in his work.

Although Norman deserves his piece of meat, he only makes it to the bottom of this list because he doesn’t appear again in the comic series. While his one-time appearance is notable, especially for fans who have bulldogs themselves, there’s nothing else about Norman worth mentioning due to his limited appearances.

9 Tom-Tom is the cutest shelter cat

His positive attitude provides a shining light in the rescue center



10 of the funniest MUTTS comics of all time

From Mooch’s various adventures with Earl to Sourpuss’ hilarious take on situations, MUTTS features plenty of comedic comic panels.

Tom-Tom is a rescued cat that fans often see at the shelter he was brought to. Fans note that Tom-Tom seems to be the most optimistic cat in the shelter as he doesn’t complain about his circumstances. In fact, he seems happier that he’s no longer living on the streets.

Tom-Tom’s great attitude isn’t the only amazing thing about him. His character gives fans a glimpse into the minds of shelter dogs and cats who are in the situation of being rescued. While he is initially positive, he has to reassure himself daily and often repeat that he is “a keeper” in order to maintain his happy disposition. When Bushy finally adopts him, he is overjoyed and explains to the other shelter animals that they need to remind themselves that they are keepers too.

8 Shnelly’s appearance remains a mystery

Nevertheless, every cat in the neighborhood is in love with her

Mooch tries out poems on his flame Shnelly in this Mutts comic

Nelly, better known as Shnelly, is the love interest of many cats in the Mixed breeds Universe. Mooch expresses his love for her the most, but Sourpuss, Noodles, and Shtinky have all expressed having huge crushes on her. Mooch’s most frequent competitor for her affections, however, is Noodles, who will do anything to get Shnelly’s attention.

Shnelly is never fully visible, but is recognized by her small ears that protrude over the windowsill. As the centerpiece of one of the Mixed breeds The biggest and best running gags make her a favorite character for some fans, even though she doesn’t appear as regularly as other pets in the comic series.

7 The brother of the chickpea would not be complete without chickpea

Her familial love defines her character

Mutts Shelter Stories Chickpea and Chickpea's Brother


The 10 funniest cartoon pets, ranked

Fan-favorite comics like Garfield, Peanuts, or Calvin & Hobbes just wouldn’t be the same without their hilarious pets.

Chickpea and Chickpea’s brother were featured in a McDonnell series called Shelter Stories. His story and that of his brother stuck with fans because of the loving nature of their relationship. Chickpea is rarely seen without his twin brother, who is always referred to as “Chickpea’s brother.” In the Shelter Stories, Chickpea and Chickpea’s brother were initially brought to the shelter together and were unfortunately separated as they were adopted separately.

Luckily for fans, the family that adopted Chickpea came back for Chickpea’s brother, resulting in an adorable reunion that had readers crying tears of joy. Their shelter story was undoubtedly the most memorable of all, especially because Chickpea and Chickpea’s brother later got to meet Earl and Mooch in person.

6 Woofie just loves love

This playful puppy couldn’t be cuter if he tried

Woofie attacks Mooch against his will in this Mutts comic

Woofie is one of the more “annoying” characters in Mixed breedsalthough he annoys Mooch more than he could ever annoy fans. Woofie is known to love love, often referring to it as “wuv.” He loves his owners, other pets in the neighborhood, the seasons, and the entire planet. He is as stereotypical of a dog as a dog can get in the world. Mixed breeds comic strips.

Woofie’s devotion to licking and drooling on everyone he comes near often leads to quite comical moments in Mutt’s Comic strips. Mooch is usually more playful and sweet, but their one-sided friendship can lead to some hilarious moments for fans as they get to see a new side of Mooch. Despite this, Woofie remains the happy, lovable pup that fans have come to love as well.

5 Shtinky Puddin’ is one of the best Mutts characters

His hilarious behavior makes him an instant fan favorite


10 things MUTTS does better than any other strip

Whether it’s the animal activism or the balanced dynamic between Earl and Mooch, Patrick McDonnell’s MUTTS surpasses other comic strips in many ways.

Jules, best known as Shtinky Puddin’, is a sweet rescued kitten whose biggest goal in life is to save as many tigers as possible. His focus on the environment brings the rescue of animals of all kinds to the forefront, something that McDonnell has brought to the Mixed breeds Comic strips of course, so that they can make a bigger impression on fans. Shtinky Puddin’ was originally found by Earl and Mooch and got his name because Mooch thinks Shtinky Puddin’ is just a cute name for an orphaned kitten.

Shtinky Puddin’ shows his pure compassion throughout the comic series. He is always there to help and slowly becomes a more common character in the Mixed breeds Comic strips. Even younger fans were very inspired by his zeal to save the planet and claimed fifth place without much discussion.

4 This bulldog is more than just a guard dog

Sparky has taught his fans about the safety of their pets in an honest and candid way

In this Mutts comic strip, we see how inhumane it is that Sparky is left outside all night.

Sparky was originally known as Guard Dog when he first appeared in the Mixed breeds Comic strips. His owners unethically left him outside all night, making most of his appearances sad and bittersweet at first. Although he looks like a big, bulky dog ​​on the outside, Sparky’s soft core at heart just wants to get out.

Fans were relieved to see Earl and Mooch quickly rescue him. The dynamic duo immediately jumped into action and instructed his owners to help free him from his garden chain. Although Sparky was initially established as something of a villain in the series, fan support and sympathy for him led McDonnell to change his character’s story, which ultimately had a much bigger impact on the proceedings.

3 The sour cat must change his attitude

This cheeky cat always makes her fans laugh

Sourpuss reads his New Year's resolutions in the MUTTS comic

The name Sour Puss couldn’t describe him better. He’s a first-rate scaredy-cat who is constantly hiding from the world out of fear. When he’s not hiding, he’s often sarcastic or complaining about the state of the world. He can be a little difficult to get along with due to his hatred of almost everything.

Despite this, fans have put Sour Puss on a pedestal as one of the funniest cats in the comic series. Some fans think he’s a little too similar to Garfield, considering how much he hates Monday and how much he loves food. However, Sour Puss has his own unique quirks that make him special to fans. Mutt comic strips.

2 Earl is the perfect best friend

Everyone loves Earl

MUTTS Comic strip of cat asks dog what the difference is between them and the dog says "Fences" while a fence separates them


MUTTS: The 10 most popular stories of Earl and Mooch

From their first meeting to the formation of best friendships, these beloved Earl and Mooch comic strips have stayed in the memory of MUTTS fans for many years.

Earl is Mooch’s best friend and partner in crime in this comic series. The Jack Russell Terrier lives with his owner Ozzie next door to his best friend Mooch. Earl is sweet and sincere, the true embodiment of the perfect dog. He has a heart of gold and always strives to do the right thing.

People often don’t see Earl without Mooch. Despite their differences, Earl and Mooch have become best friends and are rarely apart. Their sweet moments together make the Mixed breeds Comics are worthwhile and are a big part of why people claim Mixed breeds is one of the best comic strips of all time.

1 Mooch is the best cat of Mutts

Without Mooch there would be no Mutts

Mooch is the main feature of the cat in the Mixed breeds comic strips and is often seen with his canine counterpart Earl. His slight speech impediment adds a certain edge to everything he says, making him a standout, easily recognizable figure in a crowd. His unique character makes fans excited to see him when he appears in the comics.

While Earl doesn’t have many comic strips where he appears alone, Mooch has many solo appearances and is the lead in strips featuring other characters who aren’t Earl. The two may be a great dynamic duo, but Mooch seems to constantly be the center of attention compared to Earl. For this reason, Mooch gets the top spot on the list.

By Bronte

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