The Air Force’s B-52J bomber could become a powerful “flying aircraft carrier”

Summary and key points: The B-52J Stratofortress is the latest modernization of the legendary B-52 bomber, which has been a cornerstone of the U.S. Air Force since the 1950s.

-The B-52J features significant improvements, including new Rolls-Royce F130 engines for greater efficiency and stealth, and an advanced radar system derived from the F/A-18EF Super Hornet.

-Despite cost overruns and delays, the B-52J is expected to remain operational through 2050, making it a versatile and durable platform for U.S. strategic capabilities. Modernization is viewed as a more worthwhile investment compared to other expensive Air Force programs.

B-52J Stratofortress: The centuries-long legacy of the legendary bomber continues

The B-52J is the latest version of the legendary B-52 Stratofortress, a long-range strategic bomber that has been a cornerstone of the United States Air Force (USAF) since its introduction in the 1950s. Yes, you read that right. The same Air Force that is eager to retire the F-22A Raptor after only 20 years of operating what most consider to be the world’s most advanced fighter aircraft has also operated a long-range bomber since the presidency of Harry Truman.

Although there have been a total of eight variants of this legendary bomber, the aircraft has basically remained the same ever since. Until now. The “J” stands for a major modernization program (which is why the Air Force skipped the “I” and went straight to J, as it is two generations removed from the B-52H). In fact, the immediate predecessor of the Stratofortress’s latest incarnation, known as the B-52H, first saw service in the 1960s.

This means that the design of the B-52 has not been fundamentally revised since the Vietnam War!

All of these modifications will ensure that the B-52 will stay in the air until 2050. In other words, a full century after it first entered service. I don’t want to belabor a point already made, but it’s incredible that the Air Force is so confident about keeping a bomber in the air that was designed at a time when humanity didn’t have satellites in orbit and televisions still ran on vacuum tubes, and that they’re so hellbent on retiring stealth air superiority aircraft that are barely 20 years old.

In fact, it makes you dizzy.

What makes the B-52 “J” different?

Whatever the case, the B-52J is expected to have several key features that set it apart from its predecessors. The overhaul will ultimately cost $48.6 billion. One of the most significant improvements is the replacement of the bomber’s original Pratt & Whitney TF33 engines with the new Rolls-Royce F130 engines.

This change will increase fuel economy and range, while reducing emissions and significantly lowering maintenance costs. The new engines will also be quieter and produce less smoke, giving the B-52J a more stealthy profile.

That last point is key. The Air Force has made a concerted effort to convert its force to stealth bombers for decades. Given the kinds of countermeasures America’s enemies are developing, that’s understandable. But during the Air Force’s stealth bomber era, it relied on an old bomber that was anything but stealth.

In addition to the new engines, the B-52J will receive a new radar system, a modified variant of the APG-79 AESA radar found on the F/A-18EF Super Hornet. This new radar will provide the bomber with significantly improved radar range and situational awareness while taking up less space than the older mechanically slewed radar. The B-52J will have a cleaner look, having removed the cavities that currently house the AN/ASQ-151 electro-optical vision system (EVS).

The B-52J is designed to be a versatile platform capable of carrying a wide range of weapons, from gravity bombs to cruise missiles to hypersonic weapons. This flexibility will allow the bomber to attack the enemy with “affordable mass,” precision-guided munitions, and highly specialized, “exquisite” weapons as needed.

The USAF plans a fleet of 76 B-52Js, which will result from the modernization of the current fleet of 76 B-52Hs. The new Stratofortress is expected to be operational by the end of the decade, with Initial Operations Capability (IOC) expected in 2033.

Complications for the Luftwaffe’s best plans

Of course, any new weapon system being developed by the Pentagon would not be without complications. The program has been delayed due to problems with the new engines and the new radar system.

Due to a lack of funding, planning for the B-52 Commercial Engine Replacement Program could not be completed on time. The costs of the B-52 Radar Modernization Program also exploded to fix the numerous technical problems that arose during the modernization work.

The question has rarely been asked whether the B-52J is the best investment.

B-52 Bombers

Is the B-52J worth it?

With the proliferation of drones and the introduction of highly sophisticated air defense systems to protect potential targets for these bombers, the question of what purpose these systems serve is raised. These are legitimate questions and concerns. Ultimately, however, B-52 bombers have long performed multiple roles, ranging from bombing distant targets to launching supersonic weapons to serving as a test platform for new platforms.

These new B-52s could help maintain U.S. competitiveness against its enemies.

For example, they could evolve from strategic long-range bombers into mother ships for drone swarms.

Similar to flying aircraft carriers.

Therefore, despite its cost overruns and complications, the B-52J is still a more worthwhile investment than the Air Force’s ridiculous Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) platform.

Author’s experience and expertise: Brandon J. Weichert

Brandon J. Weichert, a national security analyst for the National Interest, is a former congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor to The Washington Times, The Asia Times, and The Pipeline. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life, and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy. His next book, A Disaster of Our Own Making: How the West Lost Ukraine, will be published by Encounter Books on October 22. Weichert can be followed on Twitter. @WeTheBrandon.

All images are Creative Commons or Shutterstock.

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