The role of personal character in the university admissions process

The role of personal character in the university admissions process

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Positive character traits can influence a student’s application decision in a university’s admissions process.

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Have you ever thought about how important YOU are in the admissions process? The answer to that question depends on where you’re applying, but as a former admissions counselor at a large state institution, I can assure you that personality and character do not go unnoticed when applications are reviewed.

The National Association of College Admission Counseling compiled the results of a survey of nearly 500 admissions professionals and found that an applicant’s personal characteristics fall somewhere between “considerably important” and “moderately important.” About 26 percent of admissions counselors rated personal character as considerably important, and about 44 percent rated it as moderately important. Private colleges rated a student’s personal characteristics as more important than their public counterparts, and colleges with lower selectivity rated personal characteristics as less important than schools with higher selectivity.

The role of character in a holistic application assessment

If you’ve started looking at colleges, you may have heard the term “holistic admissions.” The holistic review process looks at an applicant as a whole person, going beyond grades and test scores to consider factors like extracurricular activities, personal experiences, letters of recommendation, and the personal essay. Essentially, a holistic review looks at an application as a whole to give the reader a more complete picture of who the candidate is and how they will contribute to their institution’s community. Note that holistic admissions does not mean that unique experiences completely compensate for grades or scores that do not meet the requirements or mean for accepted students at that school. Academics always come first!

However, I have seen firsthand how positive character traits can significantly impact a person’s application decision. Personal traits can be found in written sections such as the essay or the Additional Information section, where students can share context and background information about themselves and explain their mindset, important values, and motivations. Character can also be reflected in letters of recommendation, where traits such as leadership, integrity, resilience, and perseverance can be highlighted. Participation in various extracurricular activities and community service can highlight traits such as social and cultural awareness, selflessness, compassion, and creativity. Whether it’s a student described in letters of recommendation as someone who always stays after class to help someone with their work or a student who organizes a weekly trash pick-up in town, strong character will shine through on an application and make an admissions office happy to say “yes.”

During each admissions cycle, admissions counselors seek to create a more dynamic and diverse class than in previous years. To assemble a class of students, you must look for individuals with diverse experiences, interests, backgrounds, and viewpoints. Students with positive traits will serve as leaders on campus and contribute to an inclusive community and an engaging and enriching classroom environment. An applicant’s personal traits help foster an overall positive and vibrant campus community.

How personal characteristics are assessed

Remember to highlight your personal character by showing, not telling. Use anecdotes and experiences to highlight positive qualities. Always write authentically, be yourself and choose the right referees who can attest to your positive qualities. You can also attach a resume or portfolio or attend an interview if the school offers it.

Although an admissions committee cannot completely ignore academic achievement, rigor, grades, and test scores, personal characteristics provide a deeper understanding of who each student is outside of the classroom and can sometimes be a deciding factor in a final admissions decision. Having been the person reading the applications myself, I always encourage students to highlight their positive personal characteristics in their applications.

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Alexis Mackbach plays a key role in the day-to-day operations of Premium Prep College Counseling, collaborating across departments, assisting with technology, marketing, and social media. Prior to joining Premium Prep, she worked in the University of Connecticut’s admissions office as an admissions counselor, serving prospective students in various Mid-Atlantic, Southeastern, and Midwestern areas.

By Bronte

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