The US offered Maduro amnesty in exchange for a peaceful transition of power.

Israel Duro

The The Biden-Harris administration offered amnesty to Nicolás Maduro and other senior Venezuelan officials in exchange for the surrender of power in Venezuela peaceful before January, as reported The Wall Street JournalThe offer, made in secret talks, included no extradition of the main characters of the Bolivarian regime.

According to the above report Jorge RodriguezPresident of the Venezuelan National Assembly, and Daniel P. Eriksonof the White House National Security Council, were those who began negotiations remotelywithout personal meetings. This is not the first time that the US has offered amnesty to the dictator, who has always refused to give up power.

The offer is in line with the position of the Venezuelan oppositionled by Maria Corina Machado And Edmundo Gonzalez, who are prepared to include guarantees for the leaders of the dictatorship in the negotiations on the transfer of power if the regime continues to deny the election results of July 28. An essential condition for this is that the Chavista authorities respect the peaceful transition.

Opposition calls for worldwide demonstrations against Maduro

Meanwhile, Machado called for large demonstrations in Venezuela and outside its borders, “so that the world supports our victory and recognizes the truth and popular sovereignty.” In a video posted on social media, the opposition leader said: “This Saturday, August 17, We will take to the streets of Venezuela and the world. Wherever there is a Venezuelan, we will be together.”

By Bronte

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