What is the MH370 case? Why did it disappear and how did scientists solve the mystery?

Like any other day, the pilots were ready to take off into the clear blue skies, and the entire crew took 239 passengers on board. The flight was scheduled to fly from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China.

However, the flight never reached its destination as it mysteriously disappeared from radar and communications shortly after takeoff. The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 on March 8, 2014 remains one of the greatest aviation mysteries in history.

Australian scientist: “Perfect hiding place” for MH370 found

On March 8, 2014, MH370 flew from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to Beijing Capital International Airport in China. The flight disappeared from radar screens about an hour after takeoff, triggering a large-scale search operation that lasted several weeks.

After the plane disappeared, numerous scientists and officials tried to determine the cause. Theories ranged from a mechanical failure to deliberate action by the pilot.

Despite all efforts, no trace was found in the 120,000 square kilometre search area in the Indian Ocean. This led to the Australian-led search – the largest in aviation history – being called off in January 2017.

Source: Science solves mystery of MH370

However, Tasmanian researcher Vincent Lyne claimed to have solved the mystery of MH370’s disappearance. According to one of his liked posts, the plane was deliberately flown into the Broken Ridge in the Indian Ocean.

“This work changes the story of the MH370 disappearance from a case of involuntary fuel starvation in the 7th arc during a high-speed dive to a case of a mastermind pilot who nearly engineered an incredible, perfect disappearance in the southern Indian Ocean,” he wrote in the post.

He continued in the article: “In fact, it would have worked if MH370 had not ploughed through a wave with its right wing and if Inmarsat had not detected regular interrogation satellite communications – a brilliant discovery also announced in the Journal of Navigation.”

“We now know very clearly that MH370 is located where the longitude of Penang Airport (the runway, after all) intersects the track of the pilot’s home simulator, which was discovered by the FBI and authorities and discarded as ‘irrelevant.'”

This intentionally created, iconic site is home to a very deep, 6,000-metre hole at the eastern end of the Broken Ridge in a very rugged and dangerous marine environment known for its wild fishing grounds and new deep-sea species. With narrow, steep sides surrounded by massive ridges and other deep holes, it is filled with fine sediment – a perfect “hiding place,” he explained in the post.

He said: “Verification of this location must be a top priority. Whether or not to search there is a decision for the authorities and search companies, but as far as science is concerned, we know why the previous searches failed and equally science clearly indicates where MH370 is. In short, the mystery of MH370 has been comprehensively solved by science.”

Theories and conspiracies surrounding MH370

There are many theories surrounding MH370. However, below are some of those that are considered the most plausible explanations for the plane’s disappearance.

  • Kidnapping: The most common theory is that the plane may have been hijacked by the crew or passengers.
  • Intentional crash: Some believe that the plane was either intentionally crashed by the crew or that there was a system failure.
  • Mechanical defect: A mechanical malfunction may have caused the aircraft to disappear.
  • Pilot error: Human error, such as an error by the pilot or co-pilot, could also have played a role.
  • Suicide: Some speculate that the pilot or co-pilot intentionally crashed the plane.

Source: The New York Times

  • Alien abduction: An even more bizarre theory is that the plane was hijacked by aliens.
  • Bermuda Triangle: Some link the disappearance of MH370 to the mysterious Bermuda Triangle.
  • Black hole: A more speculative theory is that the plane entered a black hole or another dimension.
  • Remote island or ocean: Some believe the plane landed on a remote island or at sea and may have gone undetected.
  • Military base: Theories suggest that the plane was diverted to a secret military base, possibly in a remote location.
  • Communication system failure: A catastrophic failure of the aircraft’s communications systems might have prevented the transmission of distress signals.
  • Cabin pressure problems: Problems with the cabin pressure system may have led to the incapacity of the crew and passengers.
  • Fuel consumption: Some speculate that the plane ran out of fuel and crashed.
  • Time travel: A more fantastic theory is that the plane somehow got caught in a time loop or experienced time travel.
  • Parallel universe: Some believe the plane may have entered a parallel universe.

The mystery of MH370 may finally be solved

According to Lyne, the missing plane may have been deliberately thrown into a 6,000-meter-deep “hole” in Broken Ridge, an oceanic plateau in the southeastern Indian Ocean.

In a LinkedIn post, Lyne claimed that pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah deliberately steered the plane into the deep trench filled with underwater plateaus, volcanoes and canyons, making it an ideal hiding place. He suggested the disappearance was not due to a lack of fuel, but rather a calculated move by a “mastermind” pilot who wanted to make the plane disappear.

The Broken Ridge area, with its steep slopes and fine sediment, provides an environment in which the wreckage could easily be concealed. Lyne believes the damage to the aircraft supports the theory of a controlled ditching rather than a high-speed crash.

Source: Avionics International

The exact location, Lyne says, matches a flight path the pilot had previously traced using his home flight simulator, but which was discarded by investigators. He argues that this spot – a 6,000-metre-deep hole near Broken Ridge – matches where the plane likely crashed.

Researchers at Cardiff University also noted that MH370 was last located in the southern Indian Ocean and detected signals that could have come from the plane crashing. Although more than 30 suspected pieces of debris were found on African coasts and nearby islands, only three were confirmed to be from MH370.

A 2018 report into the disappearance concluded that the plane’s controls were likely tampered with to throw it off course, but investigators were unable to determine who was responsible.

Vincent Lyne’s findings suggest that the disappearance of MH370 was a deliberate act. The plane was deliberately flown into a remote, deep area of ​​the ocean where it was almost impossible to locate.

While further search operations are left to the authorities and search companies, Lyne believes science provides clear clues as to where MH370 is. The mystery that has gripped the world for a decade may now have a scientific answer.

By Bronte

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