Zambian government tightens crackdown on cybercrime and warns against online misconduct

The Zambian government has reiterated its commitment to curbing cybercrimes and online misconduct following a joint press conference by the Ministers of Technology and Science and Home Affairs and Internal Security on August 26, 2024. The government stressed that it will use Section 54 of the Cyber ​​Security and Cyber ​​Crimes Act, 2021 to address issues such as online hate speech, defamation, child abuse and propaganda. Under this law, individuals convicted of such offences face up to five years in prison.

The public has been urged to abide by the law and not to post social media posts that could bring them into conflict with the authorities. WhatsApp group administrators have also been reminded of their responsibility to monitor and control illegal content in their groups, as they will be held accountable for any violations.

In addition to warning citizens about the dangers of fake news and misinformation, the government also encouraged Zambians to behave responsibly online. With significant investments in cyber infrastructure, authorities assured the public that efforts were being made to identify and arrest online fraudsters who cause significant emotional and financial harm to their victims.

Ministers made it clear that cybercriminals have nowhere to hide and will be exposed and brought to justice as the government continues to strengthen its measures to protect citizens from digital threats.

By Bronte

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